Super Chooses Intimidation To Stop Parents From Wearing Wristbands to Support Biological Females on Sports Teams


I keep thinking that his missive below is just because of stupidity. Or it is purely ideological in nature, given his vociferous attempts on Policy JBAB to ensure suppression of the Free Speech of students and adults on school property concerning “preferred pronouns.” And that Staff can be forced by the School Board’s policy to lie to parents about their children’s transgender status.

Effectively, I won that Constitutional battle (though it took over two years). That said, you’d think he would have learned SOMEthing, right?


So, the ‘Grok has covered what happened at the Bow/Plymouth varsity girls’ soccer team: some parents wore pink armbands with “XX” marked on them to support the biological females on the team contra the boy that plays for Plymouth (who, for full disclosure, did win an injunction against HB1205 that said that males must play on male teams, girls must play on girls teams, and coed teams can have anyone.

And Kearsarge School District is ignoring HB1205 in having a 5’10” boy playing on the girl’s soccer team. and they are playing Gilford tomorrow. And there are parents coming to Gilford to do another silent protest with pink armbands, just as in Tinker, where students wore black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War. Eventually, SCOTUS found that their Freedom of Speech could not be abridged in such a manner as the school district applied).

So, here’s what self-styled Tyrant Superintendent Kirk Beitler issued to parents this morning. Can you smell the whiff of Intimidation and Bullying in his words from his perch as an Agent of the Government (you know, what our Bill of Rights was meant to corral such behavior behind an ironclad fence?):

From “Kirk Beitler via ParentSquare” <>
Date 9/27/2024 8:16:20 AM
Subject Homecoming Information

    ​ ​ Gilford School District in dark blue font featuring their globe logo on the left. ​ ​Happy Homecoming Weekend!We’re thrilled to welcome back our alumni and staff as we celebrate this special occasion. Let’s show our support for our student-athletes and wish them the best of luck in their competitions. This is a great opportunity for us to have fun and exemplify outstanding sportsmanship as we compete against other districts. Go Golden Eagles!

Here’s the schedule of events for the weekend:
11:00 AM – Boys Varsity Soccer
12:00 PM – Boys JV Soccer
1:00 PM – Girls Varsity Soccer
2:00 PM – Freshman Volleyball
2:30 PM – Girls JV Soccer
3:00 PM – JV Volleyball
4:00 PM – Girls Field Hockey
4:30 PM – Varsity Volleyball
5:30 PM – Hall of Fame Ceremony
7:00 PM – Varsity Football

We have heard that there may be silent protests at some of the events. I ask that possible protesters please review policy KFA

If there is a disruption on school property that causes a game to be stopped or suspended, people causing the disruption will be asked to leave school property.

Let’s show our school spirit and cheer on the Gilford Golden Eagles! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the games!

Kirk Beitler
Superintendent of Schools ​ ​

View in ParentSquare

Or what, Kirk Beitler? Arrested? Issued No Trespasses against them (“Enough of this rabble! Who will rid me of this pestilent priest??”).

So, do you think I would let that go? Nay, fair ladies and good knights! I emailed both the Gilford and Gilmanton School Board (the latter tuitions in their High School students that do play on the Gilford teams) that Beitler, once again, wishes to not follow the Law:

—— Original Message ——

From “Skip” <>

To “Kirk Beitler” <>; “Nicole Hogan” <>; “Jacques, Jessica” <>;;;;;;;;;

Date 9/27/2024 9:39:13 AM

Subject Fw: Homecoming Information (“we’ll call the cops on you over pink armbands”)

Superintendent Beitler,

Remember Tinker vs Des Moines Independent Community School District, 1969? Probably not, but you should. You really should because if you invoke KFA for a silent protest via armbands as in Tinker,on public property, the District WILL be sued and you will be responsible for it and its cost. Knowing you, you’ll get No Trespass orders against anyone invoking their First Amendment /Article 22 Rights to support biological females. And demand that HB1250 be honored. 

Know that legal pundits on both the Right AND the Left are stating that the Bow school district will be opening up its wallets for a good reason; letting students and taxpayers learning from the stupidity of others. This has become a national issue – you wish to add negative PR to both Districts (Gilford and Gilmanton)?

You, Kirk, of all people, should be role modeling our foundational Law and the Bill of Rights to our students. After all, they are supposed to be learning from both their elders and those in authority over them (and you are both, I believe). What is the lesson you will be teaching them? Or does it even matter, sitting in your fiefdom?

Are you all above the Law and aiding and abetting another District (that’s called Conspiracy)? Maybe such civil liberty minded parents may have to contact Mark Sisti, a champion of First Amendment Rights, to represent them if you pull that trigger, Kirk?  If so, remember these data points:

Several courts have blocked or overruled the Biden administration’s recent changes to Title IX:

  1. Federal courts in Kentucky and Louisiana issued orders blocking the entirety of the new Title IX rule across 10 states. 
  2. Other federal courts have issued similar injunctions blocking the entire rule in an additional 16 states, bringing the total to 26 states where the rule is fully blocked. 
  3. A federal judge in Kansas issued an injunction blocking the regulation in 4 states, but this injunction also applies to any school across the nation attended by members of certain groups that joined the challenge (Moms for Liberty, Young America’s Foundation, and Female Athletes United).
  4. The Supreme Court declined to lift these lower court injunctions, effectively maintaining the blocks on the new Title IX rule in these states.
  5. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear oral arguments in October on one of the challenges to the rule.
  6. In summary, federal district courts in multiple states have issued injunctions against the new Title IX rule, and the Supreme Court has allowed these injunctions to remain in place while legal challenges proceed. This means the Biden administration’s changes are currently blocked in at least 26 states entirely, and partially blocked in schools across all other states due to the Kansas ruling.

So, do you greater Powers than SCOTUS, Kirk? Remember, the local injunction covered only two boys to be allowed to play on girls teams.

And that in your discussion with me, it was clear that a mere subdivision of the State’ school policies could obviate both Constitutions. And finally, it cost the District over $14,000. This time, it would adding at least one more zero to the left of the decimal point if you persist. 

Follow the Law.

I dryly note that the Gilmanton School Board members, to ensure their constituents can contact them at any time, have provided their contact information on the Gilmanton website.

However, the Gilford School Board member webpage, in a more cowardly way, doesn’t list their email addresses or phone numbers that would allow us, their constituent voters, to contact them. Given that the entire website is brand new, that was a deliberate decision on someone’s part. Was that you, Kirk, continuing to fence them off from us?

Good going, Kirk, in isolating them further (the NHSBA and Super way)! And great timing of your email so that most voters cannot effectively contact them (how many people know the email address formats for them, or already have their phone numbers) outside of a school board meeting and that because of the NHSBA policy that was in place, we can’t question them during a school board meeting.

Just like with JBAB, I want one thing – the Districts to Follow the Law. JBAB was unconstitutional yet your ideology, Kirk, thought it overrode it.



Yeah, there’s more coming. I’ll be covering it tomorrow.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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