Candidates Night in the Lakes Region

by Steve Earle

Every election year, Norm Sibler invites folks and Republican candidates to his home to meet and speak. (By the way, the views from his home are spectacular.) And there was pretty much a full house, including both gubernatorial candidates and those running for local, state, and federal office.

And was there a buffet!  Despite the overabundance of temptation (I am a diabetic), I managed to keep from going crazy. A small helping of delicious bean casserole and an equally small helping of potato au gratin was the main transgression, but there were two or three cookies during my time there. They were good too.

About those candidates. I was only able to share pleasantries with most as they were in popular demand, as could be expected. Kelly Ayotte allowed me a few moments so I asked about her views on all the anti-Semitism in our schools and colleges. I’m pleased that she was against this and felt nonstudents had no business on school compasses, to which I concurred and suggested those folks need to be arrested. It was quite noisy, but I think she agreed. Do not quote me. My hearing is terrible even with hearing aids and a crowded room, jeesh.

All the various candidates were given time to speak, and all were well received, with each’s supporters loudly making their feelings known. This is, of course, as it should be on this kind of gathering, and then Lily Tang Williams’s turn came. For those who might have harbored any doubts that because of her small physical stature, she couldn’t hold her own, let me tell you, dynamite doesn’t hold a candle to this lady. She brought the house down! The force of her passion to save America from becoming like the China she escaped from was explosive. The side conversations in the room stopped everyone enthralled, amazed fixed on her words, her commanding presence. When she finished, the room erupted in ovation and cheers.

Norm Silber, master of ceremonies of the event, remarked, how would we like to hear her give her speech on the floor of Congress? The crowd erupted again. To say Lily stole the show is an understatement.

People, we need to send this lady to Washington to represent NH District Two. Forget what you’ve heard or thought or been told; Lily Tang Williams is a gift to NH. Do not miss this opportunity. Our State, our Nation, and we all need her to represent our American values down there.

Reminder: Content about or by candidates is not necessarily an endorsement by or its authors. Grok authors are free to endorse whomever they choose.


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