Maggie Hassan Proud to be a Sponsor of That Tax

Maggie Hassan keeps saying we need to have a conversation about taxes.  We have them all the time.  The difference is that Democrats talk about raising them (hundreds of them), and Republicans talk about controlling or lowering them.  And then there are the conversations about taxes that slip out when you are least expecting them to.

We get just such an example from the September 19th Gubernatorial debate on business and the economy; when asked about RGGI, the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative, Candidate Hassan said this…

I was proud to be a sponsor of that tax, eh, the energy efficiency program because it has saved businesses millions and millions of dollars and created over 400 jobs.

That’s a notable quote right there.

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Tax and Spend Democrats Getting Ready to Raise Your Taxes…if you let them

We already told you about the New Hampshire Democrat’s Legislative Service Request for an Income tax.  There is also another; Democrat Chuck Weed is looking to raise the beer tax. (LSR 136)  And now there are murmurings about the need to raise New Hampshire’s gas tax.   And a cigarette tax would be a given.   Regressive … Read more

The Free State Project and New Hampshire, “the luckiest state in the history of the United States.”

Thank you, Free State Project, for choosing New Hampshire!
On October 1, 2003 I gave a talk at a press conference in New York city announcing the Free State Project’s choice of New Hampshire. I said at the outset that “New Hampshire is the luckiest state in the history of the United States to be chosen by the Free State Project.” Now, almost nine years later, that statement has been borne out.

As  a very close observer—not to mention participant—in New Hampshire state politics, I can say without reservation that the effect of the Free State Project migration  on our state has been positive. Crucially so in the context of state-level politics. First of all, the state Republican Party would not have been graced by the incredibly positive leadership of Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien and the responsible Republicans around him without the backing of supporters who came out of the Free State Project (it was a very close Speaker’s election, remember).

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It’s A NH Democrat Bill Kennedy Kind Of Morning…This Time It’s About Tax Burden

Mark Fernald Wants an Income taxBill is probably a great guy, and I’m sure he never meant to violate Department of Defense regulations by posting images of himself in uniform on a campaign web site.  But that’s not the only thing that caught my eye while I was there.  Bill is also guilty of lying by omission.

You see, while claiming to be something of a centrist, he still suffers from the same illness as the majority of Democrats in New Hampshire when it comes to talking about taxes and tax burden.  On the same page in which he violated DoD regulation 1344.10, he also engaged in partisan hackery when he says…

“NH is ranked 2nd or 4th worst (depending on whose statistics you use) for property tax burden.”

By using the word tax BURDEN, we are meant to presume a horrible thing but every tax is part of that burden.  If we are going to have an honest discussion about tax burden, shouldn’t we talk about total tax burden?   And why, despite Bill’s sound bite-which is accurate by the way– New Hampshire still has one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the nation?

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Democrat House Candidate William Hudson Connery III…Violates DoD Rules?

William Hudson Connery III - Violates the DOD rules for Candidates for political officeWhen he’s not promoting potential vote fraud by out of state college students, or telling us how he can’t stand people of faith, the New Hamphire House Candidate and Socialist Democrat from New Hampshire 17 Rockingham 17, might also be …violating Department of Defense directives.

To your right is a picture of Mr. Connery….in Iraq…in Uniform.  It’s a nice picture.  The status update says…“Just another day in Iraq.”  But it is posted on his Facebook NH House campaign page.

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Evil Tea Party Manipulates NH House To Produce First Balanced State Budget Since 2006

Hey.  If we (the TEA party/Right wing activists, etc)  are going to get blamed (by left wing radical Democrats) for making the New Hampshire House and Senate write and pass legislation (that reduces spending, taxes, regulation, and increases liberty and freedom), then we damn well deserve credit for this.

NH Republians balance budget to within +0.8%It’s the end of the two-year fiscal cycle and revenues came in +0.8%.  That means we took in revenue just a little bit more than we spent. And for the first time since (cough cough) 2006–the last year for which Republicans were responsible for revenue estimates–we are not in a fiscal crisis.  No late night, last minute, emergencies.  No layoffs.  No mid-budget hiring or wage freezes, no sudden need to borrow more money, no special, late night meetings to pass unpopular taxes that never had a hearing, or draconian plots to sell as yet defined public lands while cramming pension costs down on towns becasue revenue estimates were not even close.  No forcing department heads to look for savings in the middle of the budget cycle. No abrupt, heavy handed, executive orders to bring spending in line with revenue.   No delaying the pain or kicking the can down the road for someone else to deal with.

These were all features of the four year budgetary disaster known as Democrat majority control.  And thanks to the TEA party–if Ray Buckley and his Tax and Spend Democrat Party are to be believed–we no longer have that problem.

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Do Nothing Democrats

It has been three years since the Democrat party produced a federal budget. The Democrat Senate has blocked repeated efforts by the Republican controlled House to ‘do something’ about that. President Obama, Senate leader Harry Reid, and the Democrat leaderships contribution (including their media homunculus) has been to demand compromise without giving any.

Democrat’s Say The Dumbest Things

Uneployment lineThe current Democrat class war is like punishing the advantage of literacy to pay for the economic misfortunes of people who refuse to learn how to read or simply do not read well.  People whose only fault is having succeeded are somehow responsible for people who have not.  And the Professional Left (and their amateur useful idiots)  will go to any length to make the point, reinforcing the popular right wing adage, "Democrat’s do say the dumbest things."

Take Merrimack’s political village idiot, Fred Morse.  In this mornings Sunday News Morse, who carries the lefts water in the print news at every available opportunity, made the following statement.

If there were any verifiable data that the richest were actually job creators in any substantial sense, that would be the lead story of FOX News every single night of the year.  So when someone says that the idle rich are job creators, they are either misinformed or attempting to mislead the public.

I’m not sure if FOX actually uses the words ‘Rich people create jobs’ (I don’t typically watch any television news) but I’m reasonably sure they talk about business, finance, markets, capitalism, investments, and all their productive and beneficial side effects.  These are the mechanism for creating wealth and for creating jobs.  So not only are they (FOX) talking about it, the very existence of jobs proves the point; that investment of time and money by free people creates jobs and that by extension people who chose to create jobs by starting a business can become wealthy.

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“Ask anyone committed to Marxist analysis how many angels on the head of a pin, and you will be asked in return to never mind the angels, tell me who controls the production of pins.” ­—Joan Didion


 Defeated Democratic state Senator Maggie Hassan made it official today that she will be running for governor in 2012. In her usual hokum, Hassan touted the typical big government solution to prop up the economy. As reported in the Union Leader, Maggie the Marxist, “stressed the need to create jobs by “investing” in education and job training programs and by fostering a business climate that attracts innovative small businesses and new technologies.” Translation: “investing” equals big-government spending and solutions…equals heavy taxation to raise such revenues. Such notions were brought with her as a carpet-bagging “massplant” to the Granite State. 

The Union Leader reported that “Maggie the Marxist” pledged to be a fiscally responsible governor who would veto any sales or income tax and commit herself to a balanced state budget.  This is laughable given her extensive record as a State Senator.  My fellow Blogger Steve MacDonald absolutely nailed it on back October 5th when he wrote:

  Hassan is a left wing, government first, spend then tax Democrat who wants socialized medicine, supports abortion from conception to birth (also here), and was more than willing to trample on opponents with the “Sullivan/Hassan Hates Speech (the left can’t control) amendment.” (also here, and here, …)  She is also willing to lie about her opponents to get re-elected.

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Stonyfield CEO In Line For Another Pile of Taxpayer Cash?

>The question should not be if Stonyfield Dairy CEO and prolific Democrat donor Gary Hirshberg gets another pile of taxpayer cash, it should be “how much is he going to get?”  But whatever do I mean?

The University of New Hampshire has just been approved to receive a Department of Agriculture grant totaling $2.86 million dollars to “enhance the year-round capacity of northeast organic dairy producers to produce high quality component-enriched organic milk.”

Hirshberg is almost always on the receiving end of taxpayer funded public largesse.  In August of 2010 he was awarded $100,000.00 by Democrat Governor John Lynch and the State of New Hampshire as part of a job training program. 

Not long after Stonyfield was fingered by Senator Tom Coburn over the matter of a $700,000.00 Federal grant to the University of New Hampshire to study the environmental impact of organic dairy farms on the environment.  Who do you think just happens to have an organic Dairy Farm?  An organic dairy farm run by the Hirshberg’s but majority owned by Dannon /Group Danone, one of the largest food companies on the face of planet earth.

How big is Danone?

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Left Wing “Fair Tax” In Trouble?

It is no secret that the Granite State Fair Tax Coalitions (GSFTC) is a hive of left wing Democrat tax and spend socialists trying to hide behind a so-called bi-partisan front group.  It is run by leftists (here and here), colludes with leftists, and seeks to advance Democrat party tax policy under the false notion that our current system of taxation in New Hampshire is some how not fair.

But the evidence continues to confound their false narratives.

Despite the GSFTCs misrepresentation of facts and the spinning of data to mislead, whatever our tax system is in New Hampshire, it continues to provide a better quality of opportunity than any other state in the Nation.  The US census reports that New Hampshire has the lowest poverty rate in the country.

Well how the hell did that happen?  I thought things were so unfair here?  How could our "unfair" tax system still allow for the best economic environment for people to thrive in?  And in this lousy economy to boot?  We have the lowest poverty, one of the highest standards of living, and one of the safest to live in as well.  Could it be because our current system also provides one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the country as well?  Can we argue that low overall tax burden–the result of our so-called "unfair" system of taxation, is somehow more effective at keeping people above the poverty line than any other state in the country?

Hell yeah.

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Barry Needs Some Walking Around Money…

Let’s say your brother in law, Barry, comes to you for a loan. He needs a little extra money for this big idea he’s got brewing. All he needs is $4500.00 dollars.


“In hindsight it may even seem inevitable that a socialist society will starve when it runs out of capitalists.”  —Larry Niven


How does one become an Occupy Wall Street Protestor? A quest for understanding in a somewhat complicated topic. Why? Because there are some who seem to demonstrate a modicum of intelligence and articulate usage of the language when the camera is rolling. And, there are some who dress reasonably normal (normal meaning, no obvious hygiene challenges, maintaining a groomed appearance). Those folks are in the vast minority. And certainly it would not be an accurate statement to say these slackers are all “youth generational.” The camera has caught some old enough to be peers of my parents.

But the task at hand is an immediate one. How do I blend in? How do I become an OWS protestor. I suppose I should start with something superficial. Ah yes! you say, “Things aren’t always as they appear.” and how right one might be to make such a characterization. But any good leftist will tell you, honesty is a relative term. “Your views are your views.”  Kind of akin to calling people racists because they don’t like Obama… Yet, when it is pointed out that these same “racists” like Herman Cain, the argument shifts to, “you only like him because he gives your racism cover.” Rank dishonesty is the domain of the left. And outward appearance is what we first see from our friends in the lame stream media.

As a segue into my OWS protestor journey, I neither shave nor shower for an extended period of time. (if I wish to wholly embrace this slacker look, I don’t brush my teeth, either..If a casual observer spies a chive stuck in my teeth when I smile, I have arrived) It is important to engender that, “rail against the establishment” appearance. Smelling ones’ own smell, is sufficient validation one has achieved parity with the OWS appearance.

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Revenue Prediction

No, I’m not going to guess how New Hampshire will fare on tax revenue. I am going to predict how democrats will respond to the news of a surplus and business tax revenues over estimate.

Jeanne Shaheen: “Porking” Those Tax Increases Down Our Throats

  “If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation …” —Rush Limbaugh


Today’s Union Leader Editorial, entitled, “Free Cops!” points once again to the ills of  having a big-government Democrat like Jeanne Shaheen serving the Granite State in the U.S. Senate. Like her liberal counterpart, former Congressperson Carol Shea-Porter,  Shaheen brings home the bacon … To wit: a $1.4 million federal grant to pay for six new police officers;  Providing four for Manchester and one each for Pelham and Claremont.

Not a new scheme at all. During the Clinton years we see how well it worked here in the Queen city the last time the Federal Nanny doled out money for cops. And as always, there is an end on the horizon for that funding which only segues the bitter fiscal fight also on the horizon.  Police administrators, Union hacks and those in city government with a shameless fealty for tax and spend policies to keep those positions, will seek to have them funded on the backs of local taxpayers. Epic Fail. This latest grant is a mere redux of the same scheme.

Senator Shaheen is the epitome a big-government liberal. She does not respect local government, nor the people who elected her. This is a clear second example of such in just a few short months where Shaheen advocated for the Feds to contract locally with Planned Parenthood in the wake of the Executive Council’s vote not to fund Planned Parenthood services in the Granite State. Now she gives Manchester government a back-handed slap.  

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Democrat Green Graft Stops Continuing Resolution

If the Democrats had passed a budget we wouldn’t be doing this at all. If the left in Congress had not broken the law and refused to write or pass a budget we would not be here. If the demolition party had not obstructed every effort by Republicans to pass a budget, to eliminate the need for continuing resolutions, there would be no debate about refunding the government every few months.

A Typical Day In Mr. Buckley’s Neighborhood

These folks have all insisted, in one way or another, that things like unemployment, food stamps, even destruction of public and private property, are good for the economy. So using their metrics, these are things Democrats should not complain about unless they are actually bad for the economy.

Would You Suck Twice as Hard for Half as Much?

I appreciate it when democrats give you the rope with which to hang their half baked ideas.  Take Mark Fernald for example.  Mr. Fernald is a sometime New Hampshire Democrat candidate for this or that, and prominent member of the left wing Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC).  He recently (sorry, frequently) forwards  partisan, left wing economic spin, to justify his pet obsession with rising taxes and class warfare. 

This most recent email to the arm chair central planners in his fan base is just another in a string of left wing editorials that attempts to contrast democrat spending against that of our previous president. It is typical Fernald; an oranges to rotten apples comparison that uses incomplete data, wild assumptions (about Obama’s future affect in every case), misleading graphs, cherry picked data, and resulting percentages that stretch the fabric of reality so thin that you could easily pass into the alternate dimension in which Democrats and faeries dance widderershins around the deficit mound, as money appears out of nowhere to pay for whatever theirr tiny, narrow, Marxist minds can imagine.

donkey with hed up assThis particualr faerie story centers around three graphs from the Government Printing Office (GPO).  Not the fed, the treasury, or even some fruit-loop left wing think tank, but the GPO.  The GPO prints stuff, and answers to the Executive branch.  So right out of the toy-box we have to question these partisan stills, presented as they are in a partisan manner, bearing guestimated facts and assumptions, with no basis in reality any greater than anything that has ever escaped Mr. Obama’s teleprompter; you do recall all the Obama the non-partisan, deficit cutting, cost reducing, globe saving, health care giving, unifying, auto company saving, mortgage rescuing, goodness?  How about the transparent lobbyist-less,  open to ideas, new tone, we need to work together Obama?  No?  You probably remember the we won, closed door, partisan, hate those bankers, Tea Partiers are terrorists,  intimidation tactics, don’t interrupt my vacation, Arrest Ron Paul supporters, dozens of lobbyists, shadow cabinet, Attack Arizona, hunt down my enemies, anti-free speech, black panthers can scare away voters, give guns to Mexican drug lords, nohting is my fault Obama with the double action golf-club grip?  Well his printing office is the source.  Are we surprised it tries to make him look good?

So what can we glean that goes beyond the objective of showing your Republican friends that they are wrong about Obama?  How about using facts to show that those Republicans are actually right?

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Starve A Union Save A Teacher

SEIU Union ThuggeryThe state has no right to come between the union and its workers right?  Well I think I agree, because we now know how that works out.

Wisconsin Teachers no longer have their union dues deducted from their pay checks.  They have to either sign up for automatic payments through their bank or write a check to the union each month.  Given how the anti-Walker protests went, or at least how they were portrayed, this should not have been a problem for the union.  You know, workers unite and all that Jazz?  Well reality is quite a bit different from the media adaption of the Union talking points we saw on television.  The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), the state education union, is laying off 40% of its staff in response to dwindling revenue.  But why?  What happened to workers unite?  Where did all the union protesters go?  Home to their own states is my guess.

Given the "choice" to support the Wisconsin education unions activities, many teachers have stopped paying dues and union staff have been laid off as a result.  So Wisconsin’s teachers just gave 42 state union employees their walking papers because they would rather keep the money for themsleves than give it to the WEAC.

The union is blaming Governor Walker and the Republicans but for what?  There’s no law against paying dues and the state is no longer coming between the union and its workers.  Kyle Olson at Big Government brings home the bacon…

If the union has anyone to blame, it has to be its rank-and-file members. Teachers have apparently been slow to provide WEAC with bank account information for direct dues payments, despite the teams of “home visitors” that have been dispatched to pressure members over the summer.

That situation says more about the union than it does about Walker or state government. If teachers really supported their union, they would pay their dues. If they don’t support their union, should they be forced to be members and pay dues?

(…)The suspicion is that WEAC is really nothing more than a small group of radical leaders who have been forcing captive members to finance their agenda for years.

Big protest, and we had one similar in New Hampshire, but what were they really protesting?

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Bernanke’s Bender

Bernanke sober- or so it seems(Note:This arrived in my mail box unattributed, but I have discovered that it is from The Onion.  I have edited any questionable language by replacing letters with asterisks.  This image is not associated with the article at The Onion.)
SEWARD, NE—Claiming he wasn’t afraid to let everyone in attendance know about "the real mess we’re in," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reportedly got drunk Tuesday and told everyone at Elwood’s Corner Tavern about how absolutely f****d the U.S. economy actually is.
Bernanke, who sources confirmed was "totally sloshed," arrived at the drinking establishment at approximately 5:30 p.m., ensconced himself upon a bar stool, and consumed several bottles of Miller High Life and a half-dozen shots of whiskey while loudly proclaiming to any patron who would listen that the economic outlook was "pretty goddamned awful if you want the God’s honest truth."
"Look, they don’t want anyone except for the Washington, D.C. bigwigs to know how bad shit really is," said Bernanke, slurring his words as he spoke. "Mounting debt exacerbated—and not relieved—by unchecked consumption, spiraling interest rates, and the grim realities of an inevitable worldwide energy crisis are projected to leave our entire economy in the sh****r for, like, a generation, man, I’m telling you."

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