The Sequestrians Are Coming!

“For every credibility gap there is a gullibility gap.”  —Richard Cobden

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee in the 1700’s on discussing democracy opined,

Sequestrians are coming_small

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent  form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.”

It seems there is multiple threads of truth and realism when this notion

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Not Castration, Sequestration.

Castration? You would think so to hear the rhetoric and demagoguery, but no. (Did you happen to notice ‘Dem’ at the beginning of Demagoguery?)  Uh-huh, It’s true.

Give back a few pennies on the dollar and the Left insists the world could end. Sounds like lousy management to me. Well, OK

But why is the Federal Government still hiring people for these job

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CT State Officials: Only Handguns Were Used in Newtown

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” —Napoleon Bonaparte NO AR-15, WAS USED IN THE NEWTOWN MASSACRE,  CT Officials are now reporting. Adam Lanza weeks earlier attempted to purchase a rifle but was turned away, however in the background check.  Fact is, Lanza  did kill his Mother to steal her rifle. There were initial reports, … Read more

HB 135: Legal Eagles Will Second Guess

“It’s hard to know exactly how people develop the characters they do. There could be people from humble beginnings that turn into jerks. Some characteristics are just part of that special soul of that human being.”   —David Maraniss 

Hundreds show up to voice their opposition to House Bill 135

House Bill 135 today in Concord. Ann M. Rice is the Deputy Attorney General for the State of New Hampshire. She appeared to testify for HB 135 in an effort to roll back the “stand your ground” provision passed by the last house.  Fine. whatever…it’s to be expected. Just another example of liberals thinking we the people are too stupid to exercise sound judgment.

So here we are…citizens jam-pack

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   “While Obama, the olive-branch poseur, has called for a restoration of ‘civility’ in Washington and liberal elites whine and whinny about the need for ‘no labels,’ class-warfare demagoguery has metastasized unchecked…”    Michelle Malkin 

Shrill. The word of this week. Instead of a movie theater or university campus, the Massacre was visited upon a grade school where children were utterly and defenselessly gunned down. Slaughtered. Literally overwhelmed by the power of a nut.

In the last forty years, the anti-gun debate arguments have remained the same. Totally unchanged. There exists no new or novel or compelling arguments. Only the zombie-like mantras, lies and confabulations from the anti-gun crowd, loudened only by the emotional crescendos of the willing dupes in the  liberal anti-gun lame stream media.

What has changed in the last forty years is gun ownership. More law-abiding citizens have taken to

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Fraudulent Voting And Its’ Hardcore Advocacy

“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.  Those who count the votes decide everything.”—Josef Stalin

Well, at least she could spell it correctly

Pulling out all the stops, the anti-voter ID crowd showed up in Concord Tuesday to decry the passage of a law that would require citizens to prove they are who they say they are when showing up to vote. Same old tired argument. “If this law passes, people will be disenfranchised.” 

This is not true. It never has been true and saying it a thousand times won’t make it fact. The left has confabulated, bloviated and contorted every relativist argument to be mustered to date. Yet the result is always the same…reductio Ad absurdum.

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Gay Weddings Debated. Why?

There’s nothing wrong with being gay. I have plenty of friends who are going to hell. —Stephen Colbert

HB 1264, sponsored by Representatives Jerry Bergevin of Manchester and Frank Sapareto of Derry met with a firestorm of opposition from the Gay Community along with religious and civil rights groups mouthpieces. The Union Leader intriguingly, made this a gay/straight issue through the context of their reporting, despite nothing in the bill making any direct (or even indirect) reference to any group respectively.


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The Shrill Kathy on Political Weirdness

” The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Union Leader has given Ink to the Shrill Kathy Sullivan for yet another inane senseless rant.

Kathy SullivanI told my friend Steve Vaillancourt it might be a New Year’s Resolution to simply ignore her. But in ignoring her, I think a final analysis is in order.

For all of the useless Pablum The Shrill Kathy has written, she is never lost on attacking anybody with a “R” attached to their name. The Shrill Kathy never criticizes the asinine or silly policies of her liberal friends. The Shrill Kathy never details anything positive coming from the Democratic Party as a juxtaposition to conservatives or Republicans.

The Shrill Kathy quips,

I also hope that 2012 is a year in which common sense, and not ideology, return to center stage, both in New Hampshire and the country as a whole. That is the only statement arguing for common sense in the whole rant.

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The Shrill Kathy And The Birthers

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” —Benjamin Franklin


Kathy Sullivan is not only dishonest, but she is also a rank charlatan. The Shrill Kathy is the epitome of moral bankruptcy when it comes to New Hampshire politics.  In the UL today she quips, Why does Speaker O’Brien not call out his birthers? placing responsibility for the less than savory behavior of a few legislators squarely on his shoulders. So, let’s be clear about this because whatever “this” is, amounts to nothing more than  another wanton pedestrian rant of the Shrill Kathy.

In prior writings, The Shrill Kathy calls out O’Brien alleging that he fails to respect the process and ignores long-standing rules. Yet here we see a circumstance where Orly Taitz asked for access and redress (due process) that our rules mandate must be provided.  And the Shrill Kathy takes O’Brien to task for not stifling that process. Make up your mind! Sulli-Shrill… Which is it? O’Brien squelches? or O’Brien observes?

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Be Pro-Choice: Vote For The Right To Abort Unions.

If unions were abortions everyone would have the right to chose not to be party to it. Some liberal justice would have long ago ensconced that “right” into the US Constitution. And we would not be having this debate in New Hampshire. Workers could decide if they wanted to abort the union. But Democrats are hypocrites and choice shall not be permitted in the workplace. You will not, cannot be permitted to choose for yourself.

Do Nothing Democrats

It has been three years since the Democrat party produced a federal budget. The Democrat Senate has blocked repeated efforts by the Republican controlled House to ‘do something’ about that. President Obama, Senate leader Harry Reid, and the Democrat leaderships contribution (including their media homunculus) has been to demand compromise without giving any.

Colleges and Guns

“A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.” —Larry Elder


House Bill 334 will now go to the full floor for a vote. New Hampshire’s colleges currently set their own policies on possession of guns. Currently they all ban them. HB 334, sponsored by Mark Proulx, R-Manchester would bring such regulatory reach back into the purview of State authority. Now the colleges push back.

As reported in the Union Leader, Security personnel from the Granite States’ colleges and universities, wrote emphasizing “dangers in eliminating academia’s ability to ban gun possession on a college campus,” they wrote. “Thousands of young people attend New Hampshire’s colleges, sharing close quarters in residential, social, academic and other group activities. At this age, judgment and behaviors are still being developed and tested.” Interesting. So on the one hand, these institutions hold themselves out to be the first foray into the adult world where a kid can go to college and ply ones’ self with “adult” libations, voting, living, working, and all the other thumbnail trappings of adult life….But on the other hand, when it comes to guns, we will still be the mommy and daddy.  

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The Shrill Kathy Spins the Early Primary Notion

“I think it’s your own choice if you turn from an angry young man to a bitter, old bastard.” —Billie Joe Armstrong


In yet another Cacophonous rant from the “Shrill Kathy” The Union Leader gave her space and ink yesterday to tell readers “why” a December primary will benefit Democrats and hurt Republicans. But, the title is about the only thing she got right and the remaining 782-word pablum was her usual diatribe against the opposition: Those with an “R” next to their names.

The “Shrill Kathy” suggests that “mere insistence” by Florida and Nevada are the mechanisms driving a December primary and makes no mention of the New Hampshire statute (N.H. RSA 659:3) which states in part, “The presidential primary election shall be held on the second Tuesday in March or on a date selected by the secretary of state which is seven days or more immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election, whichever is earlier … ” So Kathy…it is not “more likely” as you put it, but mandated by statute that the Granite State goes first.

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“In hindsight it may even seem inevitable that a socialist society will starve when it runs out of capitalists.”  —Larry Niven


How does one become an Occupy Wall Street Protestor? A quest for understanding in a somewhat complicated topic. Why? Because there are some who seem to demonstrate a modicum of intelligence and articulate usage of the language when the camera is rolling. And, there are some who dress reasonably normal (normal meaning, no obvious hygiene challenges, maintaining a groomed appearance). Those folks are in the vast minority. And certainly it would not be an accurate statement to say these slackers are all “youth generational.” The camera has caught some old enough to be peers of my parents.

But the task at hand is an immediate one. How do I blend in? How do I become an OWS protestor. I suppose I should start with something superficial. Ah yes! you say, “Things aren’t always as they appear.” and how right one might be to make such a characterization. But any good leftist will tell you, honesty is a relative term. “Your views are your views.”  Kind of akin to calling people racists because they don’t like Obama… Yet, when it is pointed out that these same “racists” like Herman Cain, the argument shifts to, “you only like him because he gives your racism cover.” Rank dishonesty is the domain of the left. And outward appearance is what we first see from our friends in the lame stream media.

As a segue into my OWS protestor journey, I neither shave nor shower for an extended period of time. (if I wish to wholly embrace this slacker look, I don’t brush my teeth, either..If a casual observer spies a chive stuck in my teeth when I smile, I have arrived) It is important to engender that, “rail against the establishment” appearance. Smelling ones’ own smell, is sufficient validation one has achieved parity with the OWS appearance.

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“Imagine a political system so radical as to promise to move more of the poorest 20% of the population into the richest 20% than remain in the poorest bracket within the decade? You don’t need to imagine it. It’s called the United States of America.”  —Thomas Sowell The collective voice of “Occupy Wall Street” has … Read more


        &nbsp  &nbsp “Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater The RINO of the week is House Representative Richard B. Drisko, Hillsborough District 5. Rep. Drisko’s voting record contains a few of the typical rank and file RINO votes such as … Read more

Democrats Continue to Obstruct Obama

Reid still giving us he fingerHarry Reid’s excuse for refusing to bring the Obama Tax away jobs bill to the Senate floor was a busy floor schedule. This is only important because Reid and the Narrative gang are busy blaming Republicans.  But Dirty Harry Reid might as well have said he couldn’t do it because he had to wash his hair or arrange his sock drawer. 

The same Senate that cannot be bothered to address the matter of a budget–except when erecting straw men about Republicans obstructing this or refusing to fund that when they already know there is money available–does not appear to have much in the way of important business.

Would you like to see the more pressing matters before the US Senate for which Reid could not make time to ‘issue This Bill.?’  Follow the jump…


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“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” Bo Bennett 


In a letter to French Scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in November of 1789, Benjamin Franklin quipped those ever long-enduring and famous words, “[B]ut in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes … ” It would appear Franklin had not contemplated the certainty of blow-hard political hacks and self-aggrandizing opportunists.

Upon Seeing the Union Leader Headline Tuesday, “Gov. Lynch will leave office very popular, and for good reason“, and who the author was,  predictable is the litany and diatribe that follows. And, with the whole and complete certainty of death and taxes, the “Shrill Kathy” hath delivered. In the 779-word bloviation, the “Shrill Kathy” delivered a mere 199 words extolling Lynch’s virtues and reserved the remaining 580 words for her usual and expected attack on Republicans, checkered with a contrast and comparison-like tone…Make no mistake about it…Lynch’s announcement, as with most other political events, is a mere pretext for her visera.

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Londonderry Seeks to Ban Shooting on Public Land

“A critic is someone who never actually goes to the battle, yet who afterwards comes out shooting the wounded.” —Tyne Daly


 Londonderry Town Councilors drafted an amendment to an ordinance that already prohibits activities such as smoking on town-owned property to include a ban on target or skeet shooting, reports the Derry News.

Councilors invited public input at a meeting last night. Londonderry Police Chief Bill Hart said his department received nine complaints about shooting over the last three years.”It’s not clear whether the complaints were prompted by shooting in the Musquash or from the nearby Londonderry Fish and Game Club, which has a shooting range. Also unclear was whether the shots that generated calls were fired during target practice or hunting season. Hunting in season is permitted on town property.”

Councilor Tom Freda said, “I think the (ordinance) is well intentioned, but I don’t see this as being practical with only nine complaints of shooting over three years and there being a shooting range in the area.”

As a past President and current board member for the Londonderry Fish & Game Club, I was invited to show up and comment on the measure, so I did.  There are several aspects I shared with the council. First, the conservation commission has two members who are hostile, if not opposed, to guns and shooting in general and this is just one example of those two injecting their personal objections on the body of the town. There exists no facts that would lend itself to being a safety issue.

Second, The Londonderry Fish & Game Clubs’ 83-acre property is located in the northwest corner of the town and abuts the Musquash conservation land on three sides. Frequently, public use of the Musquash has caused encroachment on the LFGC property. We have tolerated this and not made it a town issue. We have not posted our land and have not banned outside recreational uses.  But, recently, a ATV rider approached me complaining that a, “bullet whistled by his head while riding,” yet he would not acknowledge the fact that he was riding “down range” from our rifle range and passing “No Trespassing signs” and other clear signage that states, “caution…keep out…active firing range…”

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