Data Points PInterest

Data Point – The Hidden Federal Tax On Us: Regulatory Orgy

by Skip

Taxation by Regulation by unaccountable, unelected, and unassailable bureaucrats. America leads on innovation, and Europe on regulation, or so the conventional wisdom goes. But recently, the US seems to have taken the lead in the latter. . . Regulators seem to know and are now comfortable to be the Administrative State that will rule us … Read more

American flag america

The American System Is Collapsing.

The American system, of “Truth, Justice and the American Way” is collapsing right before our eyes. This collapse is being expedited by those who have been put in power via a corrupted, bought and paid for electoral system and by the mass of un-elected bureaucrats that answer to no one but themselves as the politicians come and go.

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US Capitol Bldg behind security fence

The Federal Workforce Must Be Cleaned Out

When people throw around the term Deep State it is instantly polarizing. Two camps emerge — in one, there are those who really don’t pay too much attention to politics or the actual functions of the state: defending the country, upholding a free and fair market, and managing the government’s day-to-day bureaucracy however large or small.

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The Federal Bureaucracy Must Die

Finally Reining in Federal Agencies: Kiso Vs Wilkie Over the last century Congress has delegated more and more of its lawmaking authority to unaccountable, unelected administrative agencies. The bureaucracies in turn are often insulated from direct supervision by the president. Administrative agencies today issue regulations touching on nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From … Read more

Government, Pain, And Addiction

Could Government policy on pain medication be fueling heroin addiction? We explore issues with the Drug database, morons in the bureaucracy, and a policy-culture that  treats regular people in need like criminals.    

Data Point – Support for President Obama is falling

by Skip

It has been a while since I put up the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Poll – time to restart: Since his Second Inauguration, his job approval level has been dropping – and fast. Yes, his personal approval levels remain positive (something that I have never figured out).  It seems that the scandals that are now engrossing … Read more

Decay Point: Bureaucratic Sclerosis

Alas, as a society decays, its parts shrivel and wither in interestingly tragic ways. An exemplar of such decay occurred just the other day. Big Government’s bureaucratic sclerosis hit a Fire Department so hard that it felt it necessary for its, “…22 firefighters and six vehicles…” to remain idle on the shore and watch a man drown in icy water for 13 minutes, according to the Daily Caller. They “…didn’t launch an inflatable boat until just before he disappeared. The firefighters pulled Brown’s body out of the water roughly an hour after they arrived.”

“‘They followed our ice rescue guidelines pretty much to a T,’ Champaign Deputy Fire Chief Eric Mitchell told The News Gazette.”. Whew! Thank goodness.  I’m sure they wouldn’t want to be cited for noncompliance. Allay your fears great citizens of Champaign, Illinois, there will be no lawsuits or fines today, only one less citizen, because our Fire Department followed the rules to a “T”. That sounds like a decent trade off, eh?

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An Assault Weapon or Not An Assault Weapon…That is the Question

I’m no expert on firearms but do a fair job of knowing how government works and this “we need to do something” thing plays right into my wheelhouse.

That “something” is the desire of legislators to appear to be capable of managing our lives in every meaningful way, so when a nut plotted, planned and then literally executed his massacre, the people who always feel the need to act like what they do matters got to work.

Long story short, the professional left sees the Newtown killings as a way to re-enact the Clinton Assault weapons ban.

We here at the Grok have already thrown down a mountain of text on the event and the reaction, but we’ve not yet (to my knowledge) actually remarked on the ban itself, and more specifically, on how it would not have changed anything.

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