Over at Bloomberg, Ramesh Pnnuru has piece on “Sensible Gun Legislation”. A ‘fair enough” piece that brings up some items that an uncle of one of the slain kids at Sandy Hook Elementary that included a legal requirement to report a imminent threat (or suffer jail time for remaining silent), a standard for how guns are secured in the home (disregarding it could result in a felony conviction / large fine), Federally paid for security reviews and upgrades and a national team of grief counselors.
This post is not about the above (other than to point out “why the heck is it the duty of the Federal Government to pay for a local school – especially the grief counselors”? If it is THAT important, why isn’t the more local level of government doing these things? But there was one comment that I did respond to:
Asked by “Leo”:
I just have one question for Matt A: Why?
Why do you own an AR-15 and 30-round magazines?
This is a 100% serious question. I’d appreciate a frank and full response. In legal terms, “the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
Since “Matt A” had not left a reply, I left one:
Your “worthiness” evaluation of my Need is irrelevant in a Free Society.
If we truly live in the “Land of the Free”, then the phrases “why do you need that?” or “I have no idea why anyone needs <insert whatever here> are based on an irrelevant premise. In a Free Society, perceived “need” is only based on the what the acquirer believes to be a need – or even a want. Not anyone else’s perception of such.