Before You Raise My Taxes, Do You Take any Deductions?

One of the highest forms of participation in society for the left is the obligation to pay taxes. It’s patriotic, it’s civic-minded, it’s all kinds of things, but most importantly it is a moral obligation. And the left always wants everyone to give more because frankly there is no ceiling on how big their government can … Read more

They’rrre Baaack – the Patriotic Millionaires!

Update: on from my line below: we refuse to do anything unless we get all the lemmings lined up at the cliff. Well, it seems that the Occupy folks have decided that you WILL be a lemming, or face the consequences: At about 5:09 p.m., the female student was approached by a man at “the … Read more

Follow on from this morning: Patriotic Millionaire – and the Agenda Project?

My, how connections can be made!  So, what’s the connection with this T-Shirt and the "Patriotic Millionaires" that Jeff Chidester and I discussed this morning on WGIR? You know how I can tell this is a Progressive idea, vs just "Patriotic Millionaires"?  First, just look at some of the names on their list: Michael Steinhardt … Read more

Shaheen Received Money from IRS Employees Union

Open Secrets identifies the National Treasury Employees Union, which covers the IRS, as Liberal.  Go figure? They only donate to Democrats, which includes New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, according to this recent press release… Senate Democrats received more than $570,000 from IRS Union Washington, D.C. – This week news broke that Senate Democrats were guilty of pressuring … Read more

Bolduc Messner

Bolduc vs Messner

Good evening fellow citizens, supporters of both Don Bolduc and Bryant Messner.  As we head into the primary emotions are high, and everyone’s swords are drawn in favor of their preferred candidate.

DISQUS Doodlings – “Right wing populists want to kill us all”

Yeah, Lloyd (once again) is rather unhappy that many people don’t agree They cry “freedom” for them to smoke, drink, drive really fast and fry the planet. Everyone else, get out of the way…Everywhere it seems that the definition of “freedom” is changing; it is now the freedom for white men to smoke and drink … Read more

Quick thought: Patriotism is given to….whom?

Two different countries, two different people; both calling something either Patriotic or anti-Patriotic: Already there are high-profile cases of rich people who’ve left — movie star Gerard Depardieu and France’s richest man, Bernard Arnault of Louis Vuitton, to name but two. And France’s highly prized soccer champions are now vowing to go on strike.  Hollande … Read more

All Things being Equal…

Any minute now the left will begin to caterwaul about how unfair it is to not only reward teachers who have more prestigious degrees, but to demand that they have degrees at all.  After all, this kind of wage inequality… …it could be ‘devastating’ to the (those) who worked hard, but fell short…. OK.  That’s never … Read more

Forward is the New Backward

Reality thy name is payroll tax cut, or more to the point the absence of same.  That’s right, the federal government will no longer be subsidizing your lifestyle.  The “holiday” is over.  They are taking back that which is theirs.  And all of our paychecks are going down as a result. Effective January 1st the payroll … Read more

More English vocabulary redefinitions from Progressive-in-Chief Obama

UPDATE:  I got a call from a loyal ‘Grok reader saying that my math was wrong (" I’m willing to pay $500 extra") saying that it should have been $5,500.  My caller was right, but when I pointed out that those words were Obama’s, there was a stunned silence for a couple of moments. Yes, … Read more

Topics from this morning

Jeff Chedster was filling in for Charlie Sherman yesterday and today on the early morning show on 610 WGIR-AM here in NH and asked if I’d represent GraniteGrok in a "lightning round" format.  Here are the topics we touched upon and a couple of the links so you can read more for yourself! Patriotic Millionaires … Read more