Are we gonna start seeing “Paying your taxes is Patriotic!” again? Shameless

by Skip

Well, we’re already seeing that with Biden apparently winning the Oval Office (but remember that the political Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet), Democrats are already starting to “fall back in love” with the American flag (KTVU) after 4 years of all-but-despising it because Trump was President (whereas most on the Right ALWAYS are in love with our national symbol). I’m quite sure that there will be other signs of “Patriotism resurgence” from those it was all about TDS and them not holding the Power. I’m quite sure that “Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism” will quickly fall out of favor – again.

Another trope we’ll probably be hearing about is one we’ve heard before but it became a “thing” when Andrew Yang was a Prez Primary Candidate. One of his stances was all about paying your taxes. I thought it highly odd, and not a little insulting, so I saved it off. Given that there have been constant rumors of him being asked to serve in Biden’s Administration (current is SecCommerce, CBS58), I figured I’d finally post it up. I actually went to see if Yang’s campaign site had gone dead – it’s still up!  But the part of paying taxes has changed from the copy I had saved off – the current one is, well, more serious. My copy is much more, well, fun oriented (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Making Taxes Fun  – Brief

Currently, paying taxes is a slog. Instead, let’s make it a celebration. Revenue Day—the day taxes are due—should be a federal holiday. That day should feature celebrations.

Each American should be able to direct 1% of their taxes to a specific project. During Revenue Day, these projects will be highlighted, showing what, exactly, America’s money was able to accomplish during the previous year. Initial profiles of the next year’s projects will also be announced so people can get excited for them.

Running the country like a business means adopting basic things like appreciating your constituents.  If someone pays taxes, that’s great and we should make him or her feel like they contributed to important things that make people’s lives better.  Revenue Day should be a day of joy and celebration for our national community.
— Andrew

Problems to be Solved

  • Taxes are viewed as a burden instead of a contribution to our shared society
  • Tax day is dreaded, not celebrated

And we’re back to that Democrat value of “Government is the one thing we all belong to”; my take on “belong” is FAR different than Democrats. But I digress – and the Patriotic part?


  • Make paying taxes patriotic and fun
    Connect people to what their tax dollars are being spent on

Guiding Principles

  • Accountability
  • Patriotism

Really, paying taxes should be FUN! Er, no. It is a legal obligation – nothing less but nothing more. I have no problem in paying taxes for a limited government but a limited government is NOT what we have – it is too intrusive, too large, and too expensive. Sorry, but for me, giving more of my money to feed the Leviathan that the Statists have built over the last century+ is NOT something I want to do, I don’t want to pay it, and I CERTAINLY don’t think that it is “Patriotic”.

Yet, mark my words in that we will soon start hearing that phrase again because they just can’t help themselves.

And they can’t understand why the rest of us believe they are lazy and nogoodniks because they always outsource their responsibilities to government instead of getting up off their ample posteriors and do the work themselves privately.


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