All Things being Equal…

Any minute now the left will begin to caterwaul about how unfair it is to not only reward teachers who have more prestigious degrees, but to demand that they have degrees at all.  After all, this kind of wage inequality…

…it could be ‘devastating’ to the (those) who worked hard, but fell short….

OK.  That’s never going to happen, but–all things being equal– it should because those are actually the words (slightly edited for effect) of a professional educator.  A member of the ‘everyone gets a trophy’ club,  David Fabrizio, the principal of Ipswich Middle School in Massachusetts.  Mr. Fabrizio let parents know that the long standing custom of celebrating academic excellence–Honor’s Night–was being cancelled, because “… it could be ‘devastating’ to the students who worked hard, but fell short of the grades.”

Well thanks for that benchmark Mr. Fabrizio. (Though it is hardly the first time we’ve heard this sort of nonsense.)

Hey, public sector union employees.  I’m sorry, but you’ll be paying for all of your own retirements from now on, like most of the rest of us.  And kiss those raises goodbye.  No one in the public sector should ever make more than their private sector counterparts.  To do so would be unfair.

Teachers, from now on you all get paid the same, regardless of what degree you may have.  Let’s face facts.  Excellence shall not be rewarded.   it cannot be rewarded.  No one shall be given special treatment, privilege, or benefit.  Everyone is equally “special,” so you shall all be compensated as if you too were at the lowest common denominator.

The race to the bottom has to come with a price.  It would be unfair to exclude anyone from it.  But look on the bright side.   This will free up billions of dollars for important things like mental health and infrastructure.  No more sequester.  The pension problem–solved.  Property taxes will plummet all over New Hampshire as school budget drop like…well, like expectations of excellence.

Think of it as spreading the wealth around.  Doing your fair share.  We could even call it “Patriotic” if that helps ease the pain of irony.

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