Follow on from this morning: Patriotic Millionaire – and the Agenda Project?

by Skip

My, how connections can be made!  So, what’s the connection with this T-Shirt and the "Patriotic Millionaires" that Jeff Chidester and I discussed this morning on WGIR?

You know how I can tell this is a Progressive idea, vs just "Patriotic Millionaires"?  First, just look at some of the names on their list:

  • Michael Steinhardt
  • Gail Furman
  • Guy Saperstein,
  • Ben & Jerry Ice Cream co-founder, Ben Cohen

Not exactly rock-ribbed conservatives in this bunch, eh?  Also, the tactics:

  • A collective mentality with an insistence that ALL pay – not just the willing. As Chris over at RightWingNews put it in playing at being a liberal: "Why should I pay more unless they force me to pay more?".  They simply wish to achieve the Progressive ideal of the top paying the entire freight for society’s bill of Government.
  • No indication that the other side of the equation, spending, be addressed.
  • An unwillingness to "just do it" and send a check if they really felt this strongly about "be Patriotic – send money!". 

And the most stunning part – who was doing the organizing of these folks: "The Patriotic Millionaires campaign, pulled together quickly by the Agenda Project in New York City,".  Once again, we meet up with Erica Payne (who said "This is not an orchestrated campaign").

Yeah, totally believable, that.  Let’s see what she says about herself – not exactly all that altruistic in my reading:

Her early career included serving as Deputy National Finance Director for the Democratic National Committee during the 1996 presidential re-election campaign and as a consultant to a number of campaigns and political organizations. In addition to her public sector work, Payne has held senior marketing positions in the private sector.

Payne is the author of The Practical Progressive: How to Build a 21st Century Political Movement, which Jonathan Alter of Newsweek called “a blueprint for a progressive conspiracy to help save the country.” 

Oh, the T-Shirt?  Yeah, that was her project too.  So, you think that these "Patriots" are all about the country, or advancing the Progressive agenda via other means? Remember, Erica openly admitted that the T-Shirt was to promote the progressive cause."

Why not believe her now?

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