That Danged Transgender School District Policy (Transgender & Non-Conforming)? NOW We Know Where it Originated

by Skip

I knew that it had to come from some central group as it seemed like it was a case of “not here, not there – and then it exploded ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!”. With all of the “Schools, Woke, Transgender, CRT” posts I’ve been putting up (click here for most (but not all) of those story snippets), I would have thought it would have surfaced by now in one of them. No such luck. However, it finally surfaced but in a most unexpected place.

Thanks to Don Surber – a retired journalist that I read fairly often. He writes well and on an interesting topic. This time, in a post called “We are letting weirdos run things“, he brought up Sam Brinton, the former “deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy”. This is the narcissistic nitwit who thought that his sexual identification was his most important attribute.

Sidenote: happy to see that Surber used the older word “transvestite” in describing him instead of the newly made-up “Social Justice “non-binary” term.

John Burtis and Steve have already written about him and since his “Governmental Elevation”, he’s elevated his deranged and deviant behavior (including his “pup fetish”) to make sure that EVERYONE knows that he and that behavior should be “normalized” so I’m not going to do a short historical rehash. Instead, I’m going to go back to the title of this post (emphasis mine, links added):

“Before joining the federal government, Brinton was in charge of advocacy and government affairs at the LGBTQ youth suicide prevention nonprofit The Trevor Project, where he helped craft a ‘Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention’ in 2019 along with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American School Counselor Association and the National Association of School Psychologists.

“Brinton cheered the model at the time, saying it’s imperative for school suicide prevention policies to be LGBTQ competent.”

Look, I have been saying for a couple of years since Policy JBAB appeared in my School District that if you think you are something that you are not, have at it. If your friends and family accept it, more power to you. But DON’T believe that the rest of us have to accept it. At all. And NOT at the demand of giving up our Constitutional Rights (or have them taken away):

  1. That a School District give itself the Power to take away my freedom of speech and enforce its coerced speech (“preferred pronouns”)
  2. That a School District can give itself the Power to lie (by omission or commission) to Parents about the transgender status of their child

And here in NH, we are a Dillon’s Rule State which means that no subdivision of the State can do anything without a State Statute (an RSA) that enables it. My District actually states it in their Policy BBA.

Fortunately, after two years of fighting them, the Gilford School Board has rescinded #1 and it is no longer an issue. It’s also no longer an issue in a lot of districts because Parents across the nation are bringing them to court and winning.

Sidenote: really, we have to bring Government to court to obey the First Amendment and their State Constitutions??? It looks like I may have stopped them on #2 but, once again, they won’t answer my questions (verbally, email). Thus, this Constitutional battle continues. And yes, it IS a Constitutional and a Parental battle that is being waged.

So we have four groups, two embedded into school districts, that are responsible for attacking Free Speech and the role of Parents in the lives of our children (e.g., PRIMARY responsibility backed up by SCOTUS decisions – not the school systems). I did a quick dive into each of the four organizations and while I DIDN’T see a specific “School District Policy” like those that have been adopted by NH districts and around the country. However, they all do have similar intents and messaging: LGBT must be “affirmed” including speech and they see Parents as the enemy.

Once again, the Moral Superiority Complex of the Woke is at work here.

It was NEVER about suicide prevention.  That was the Shiny Object.  “LGBT competent” was merely the payload delivery mechanism.  For what, you may ask?

The smoke and curtains goal was to ALWAYS separate children from their Parents – blowing up the nuclear family.  Then finish Obama’s ultimate finish line: to “fundamentally transform America“.

There’s still another important point that Surber brought up that I believe most Normal Parents agree with but that will be the point of another post.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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