The Democrats Own the Transgender Insurrections


The Nashville, Tennessee, school shooting was a hate crime. Domestic terrorism perpetuated by self-proclaimed transgender Audrey Hale. Such people want “revenge” against those who disagree with their agenda.

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Online trans community posts include:

“Trans kids are being killed by legislation.”
“Death before Detransition”

Trans posters in trans online forums and Twitter promote violence against “TERFs” and “fascists.” In other words, people who want to protect children from their deviant sexuality.

One video on social media is a boy with curly brown hair, wearing a midriff-bearing T-shirt, loading a full magazine into an AR-15, and cycling a few rounds through the chamber.

A trans activist called the Nashville Christian school a “Right Wing Institution” right after Audrey Hale’s sick, twisted rampage.

The Left’s Marxist propagandists, like Todd Bookman of NHPR, are stoking fear, hatred, and violence amongst transgender people. He is inciting mentally ill people to violence. Gender Dysphoria is a known mental illness.

“You have to be dangerous back, why some LGBTQ people are taking up arms.”

Bookman quotes Sharon, an LGBTQ competitive shooter, “There are people that just looking at me will want to hurt me. ”

That’s rather delusional and paranoid. Where are the Democrats with their red flag laws now?

From PJ Media, William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male that claims to be female, was arrested for threatening various schools. Police found his copy of The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx, amid the squalor of filth and rotting take-out food in his dwelling.

Dr.Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, quotes a British study that concludes the most notable risks for those who change genders is suicide and homicide. Perhaps we should focus on treating gender dysphoria rather than humoring the mentally ill before they kill more of us.

I never found Klinger on MASH attractive. Just comedic, as intended. If this tiny percentage of humanity wants armed conflict with conservative veterans, bikers, Their families, and friends, that’s an hour we’ll never get back. LOL.

Trans Day of Vengeance. Wear a mask. Yeah, right.

On a final note, there are video stills of Audrey Hale’s shoes by school cameras and police body cam. One shows sneakers with a white slash; the other shows sneakers with flames on them. What if liberals, conservatives, and transgenders are being manipulated by the alphabet agencies?

Food for thought.



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