Transgender Puberty Blockers - Well, Which One Is It? - Granite Grok

Transgender Puberty Blockers – Well, Which One Is It?

SHOT: Rainbow Haired Doc: Parents Who DON’T Chemically Castrate Children Are Abusers

(Reformatted, emphasis mine): On today’s episode of ‘I wish I gauged my eyes out,’ a family doctor with rainbow tie-dye hair just pitched a fit about parents who don’t give their children puberty blockers or surgically remove their genitalia. Ms. Crayola Box called this decision “child abuse.”  Yes, this whack literally just said that parent’s who DON’T help their children transition are committing “child abuse” and even insisted that parents who “ignore” their kids’ “needs” push kids to commit suicide.

…“You know what’s abusive? Ignoring the needs of your child when your child is telling you what they need,” the alleged “doctor” insisted.  Sorry girl but nobody “needs” to cut little Timmy’s wedding tackle off. It’s fine where it is. You know, if your child tells you he needs to jump into a fire pit, try not to ignore his needs. Affirm his childlike delusion and allow him to do as he pleases, no matter the consequences. That’s the psychotic logic Dr. Rainbow espoused.


CHASER: ‘Completely Reversible’: FDA Warns Puberty Blockers Cause Vision Loss, Brain Swelling

Reformatted, emphasis mine:

The leftist prelates of transgenderism have been insisting that the puberty blockers used to ‘transition’ children are ‘completely reversible’ and ‘safe’. Of course, this is a lie, and the FDA has confirmed that by warning of potential vision loss and brain swelling for children that take puberty blockers, as Daily Wire reported July 27.  Puberty blockers, such as Lupron (which is used to castrate sex offenders) and others, are used to suppress the natural onset of puberty in children. They are referred to in the medical field as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) substances. Recently, their use on children that are supposedly ‘trans’ has come under scrutiny. And, for the record, they are most certainly not ‘completely reversible.

The FDA officials, according to their report, said “Five were undergoing treatment for central precocious puberty and one for transgender care,” and “the onset of pseudotumor cerebri symptoms ranged from three to 240 days after GnRH agonist initiation.” According to the Daily Wire, symptoms included specifically, “visual disturbances, headaches, and vomiting.” In addition, “Other effects GnRH agonists caused were an increase in blood pressure, brain swelling, and abducens neuropathy.”

Wait, WAIT! Aren’t we always being lectured by the Left that we are supposed to be “Follow The Science” type of folks?  Or is it that Science, the latter, is now showing that the former is merely about Transgender POLITICS/Ideology and NOT about the Science? Throw in osteoporosis, the unknown effects of long term artificially induced hormonal imbalances, stunted height and weight growth, and infertility.

By deliberately injecting your child with such drugs that would cause them to have these symptoms is supposed to be “affirming” your child?

Has our society lost its collective mind?
