Manchester Transgender Policy


In case you haven’t heard, a lawsuit was filed against the Manchester School District. A young child chose to be referred to as a different pronoun, unbeknownst to parents. The parent found out inadvertently, but the school stood by the policy to withhold gender identity information from parents.

We want to thank Joanna Brown for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

There is nothing educational about having and hiding gender change conversations with any child of ANY AGE without parental knowledge or permission. Categorizing all parents as abusers is heading toward more lawsuits.  And taxpayers are going to be very unhappy to see the School Board pay millions in legal bills to defend their harsh Transgender policy.

As a simple example, a Massachusetts middle school teacher was recently arrested for selling cocaine in New Hampshire.  Thankfully, there are plenty of great teachers in Manchester, but it only takes one bad teacher to destroy a child’s life under the protection of this misguided policy.

Bulimia is body dysphoria just like gender confusion, so why don’t the schools teach that behind parents’ backs?  For kids who can’t even decide their favorite color to then decide they want to change their gender is disgusting and evil for schools to encourage behind closed doors.  Puberty cannot be paused; it can only be destroyed. Gender changes are not a magic solution for the unhappiness, stress, and confusion of puberty.  In fact, the suicide rate of transgender people is 19X higher after sex change operations.  Many transgender people are detransitioning, desperately trying to undo their sex change, but they are permanently disfigured.  They are speaking out against the push of medical doctors and psychologists who never warned them of the consequences and risks and the irreversibility of their sex change. Parents are guilted into going along with it because they are told their child will commit suicide if they don’t change their gender. This gender change craze must be stopped.

Gays against Groomers is a coalition of gay and transgender people who oppose the trend of sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of LGBTQA+ rights. They have a video describing 3 reasons to stop grooming children immediately:

  1. It is leaving the door open for any adult to talk to our kids about sex
  2. It is attacking the nuclear family and teaching kids to distrust their parents
  3. Kids won’t be able to differentiate between the good intentions and bad intentions of adults

Teaching gender fluidity to children will make them easier to be groomed, they won’t recognize a predator because talking about genders and sex will seem normal.  They could either be a victim of a pervert or become the pervert.

The School Board’s argument that they are saving transgender kids from abusive parents is full of holes.  If a parent is abusive, school officials have a duty to report them to the authorities.  This is a poor excuse to hide conversations from any parent at any time. And puberty blockers come with a host of side effects, but taken too long will result in permanent, irreversible damage, including infertility.  This decision is not to be taken lightly, certainly not at a young age and absolutely never by school officials!

Last month in North Carolina a high school biological male playing on the girls volleyball team spiked the ball directly into the face of the victim at approximately 70 mph.  The girl was immediately knocked out and laid lifeless on the ground for an extended period. She suffered trauma to her head and neck and has long-term concussion symptoms with vision impairment. A month later she still was not cleared to return to play.  The Cherokee County Board of Education has forfeited all games against their opponent to protect their players.  Transgender people deserve respect and compassion, but biology is crystal clear. It is unsafe and unfair for biological boys to play on girls teams! Save Girl Sports!

The Manchester School Board’s original intention behind the Transgender Policy may have been good, albeit not very well thought out, but the negative results speak for themselves.  This policy is likely to get an innocent child maimed or killed.  They can and they must revise this policy! Even the NH School Board Association has adjusted their standing on this policy.  It is time for the Manchester Board of School Committee to wake up and fix this problem!


Joanna Brown

Resident and Parent in Manchester, NH


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