Another Transgender Suspect Planned Mass Shootings at Schools and Churches

by Auntie Vaquser

In case you missed it, while everyone was discussing the Transperson who shot up a Christian School in Nashville, just days later, the police arrested a 19-year-old transwoman with a freshly minted manifesto and a plan to shoot up schools and churches in Colorado.


A 19-year-old man who identifies as a transgender woman has been arrested after a police investigation found that he was planning mass shootings at schools and churches in Colorado.

The news was made public on Thursday, but the arrest happened last Friday – just days after a transgender terrorist killed six people, including three children, in a targeted attack at a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee.

According to KRDO, 19-year-old William Whitworth, who identifies as “Lilly,” was charged after allegedly targeting schools and churches in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

When arrested, the suspect allegedly  “visibly shook” his head “indicating yes” when asked by officers if he was going to shoot up a school. He said that he had been planning the attacks for over a month and that he had been writing a manifesto.

In the suspect’s home, officers found his manifesto, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, and a notebook with suicidal ideations.


Another poster child for the progressive culture war, recruited in public school, most likely, and a devotee of Collectivist Pride Icons Marx and Engels. And they can’t stop thinking about killing themselves even after doing all the things the Progs told him he should do so he could be who he truly was.

A mentally unstable pre-meditating mass murderer?


William Whitworth, who identifies as “Lilly,” was charged after police a investigation into “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20,” according to the 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

Deputies located a “manifesto” with the names of mass shooters, political commentators and more while searching Whitworth’s home, the Gazette reported.



We don’t have the manifesto and know little about the path that led this individual to consider committing suicide by cop after killing an unknown number of innocent people, but I think we can safely say a Democrat is to blame, just like in Nashville.


Additionally, deputies found a whiteboard with a floor plan to Timberview Middle School amongst Whitworth’s belongings, and a “detailed” hit list of people he was planning to murder.

While Timberview was described as his “main target,” two other high schools were also reportedly listed as “targets” in other notebooks.

When asked why he wanted to commit mass murder, Whitworth told police that there was “no specific reason,” but that he was getting close to carrying out his plans.


The mental health crisis they’ve created with both the response to COVID and now the accelerated dystopian obsession with gender confusion therapy might be the faster way to get what they are after—more school shootings so they can use that to deny law-abiding citizens their constitutional rights.


Police were dispatched to the Whitworth’s residence after his sister called and claimed that he had been behaving violently and talking about school shootings. According to the affidavit, the sister referred to William as “lily” and used “she/her” pronouns.

See something, say something?



Leo | American Greatness


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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