The Lies of Transgender Medicine

Steve MacDonald

If you do not know where I stand on chemical and surgical gender transition, it’s easy to summarize. Adults are free to do what they think is best for them (as long as I’m not paying for it). Leave the kids alone.

Transitioning kids is, to my mind, child abuse, no matter who encourages it or does it. You are taking a gullible and impressionable person, sterilizing and mutilating them. Quite often, killing them.

Transition does not reduce the risk of suicide. It raises it exponentially. Gender transition drugs can kill a kid. None of this is new. We’ve been reporting it for years. Parents and kids are being lied to as medical professionals profit, public schools pander, and the progressive culture sacrifices generations of young Americans on a political alter from which there is no return.

No Way Back: The Reality of Gender Affirming Care, is a documentary produced by a core group of self-identified “life-long, west coast, liberal Democrats,” dismantles the lockstep trans narrative marching through the institutions. …

The film takes on the sacred cows of transgender ideology and pulls no punches. Its no fluff, no frills approach lets the truth speak for itself—no glitz, no glam, thank you very much. I found this tact fitting for the gravitas of the topic. I’d say the same regarding the film’s artwork, which is disturbingly powerful—eerie, yet beautiful.




The film not only lets detransitioners tell their stories, it deconstructs the ideas and practices at work behind the scenes. Dr. Julia Mason explains that teens can walk into Planned Parenthood facilities and seamlessly begin treatment because of the “informed consent model, [which] allows clients to access hormone treatments and surgical interventions without a mental health evaluation or referral from a mental health specialist.”

The left will want to dismiss it, but Liberals made it. There is no conservative involvement, nor a religious bias.


No Way Back will have a one-day theatrical premier on June 21 at 4:30 and 7:30 PM in AMC Theatres in thirty states across the country (check online for tickets and locations). Then on July 2nd, the film will become available online and via DVD worldwide. For more information, including resources for schools, parents, and religious leaders, visit

If you have the time or can make the time, this looks like something we need to watch and promote. Literally, for the children.


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  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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