Protect Our Second Amendment Rights [Link Fixed]

The New Hampshire Second Amendment Preservation Coalition presently consists of a small group of NH citizens and Second Amendment supporters who have felt a call to action to inform others of the impending threat of grossly restrictive firearms legislation and executive actions. These actions if passed would directly impinge on our US and NH rights to bear arms.

We’d like to thank the New Hampshire Second Amendment Preservation Coalition for this op-ed.
If you have an Op-Ed or Letter you would like us to consider please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

Our primary mission is to make our citizens aware of proposed bills in the 117th Congressional session such as HB 127, HB 121,125, 130, and garner and organize support in our state to craft and promote a state Second Amendment Bill like Missouri’s Senate Bill NO. 85.

Some have referred to this type of legislation as the creating of a Second Amendment Sanctuary State. There are at least 7 other states pursuing and developing similar legislation.

Our secondary mission is that if we are successful in organizing and promoting statewide support for this cause that we might influence our US Congressional and Senate representatives to not vote for any restrictive firearms legislation in the future.

We are reaching out to all organizations, churches, and individuals for support, assistance, and coordination for this effort.  An informational meeting will be held at the Londonderry Baptist Church on March 11, 2021 @ 7pm

We are working with Protect New Hampshire to obtain signatures to encourage our NH legislators to pass Bills and Laws to protect us.   Please sign the petition and volunteer to help at: (link fixed)

New Hampshire Second Amendment Preservation Coalition

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