Sea Ice Coverage vs. Polar Bear Population Predictions

The bears are not cooperating. Data collected between 2007 and 2015 reveal that polar bear numbers have not declined as predicted and no subpopulation has been extirpated. Several subpopulations expected to be at high risk of decline remained stable and five showed increases in population size. Another at-risk subpopulation was not counted but showed marked … Read more

Ice Loss Claims Have Zero Impact on Polar Bear Population

Another climate cult fantasy takes a beating from reality. If sea ice affects populations and sea ice is “disappearing at an alarming rate™” why are there more bears? Monday, Feb. 27th, is International Polar Bear Day. I’m sure you’ll hear about “sea ice loss” but don’t expect population growth to be part of any relevant … Read more

Polar Vortex “Excuse” Makes Senator Jeanne Shaheen Look Like a Moron

Warming creates warming. Warming creates cooling. NH Democrat Timmy Horrigan informed us (in comments)  that Global Warming Theory predicts more snow (which will come as a surprise to Senator Jeanne Shaheen). And now we’ve got this newly imagined polar vortex thing to explain the cold temperatures that none of those computer models from all those … Read more

grass yard lawn original Photo by Petar Tonchev on Unsplash

Mowing Mowing Mowing!

I have no idea why these things pop into my head to the tune of Rawhide, but they do. In April of last year, I had a similar epiphany. An inspired opportunity to make fun of the grooming cult that had decided it was time to come out of the closet.


About Woke

A very interesting debate took place in England recently. British satirist Konstantin Kisin engaged in that debate at Oxford Union and, surprisingly, won over many woke liberals. I don’t agree with much of his views on climate change endangering polar bears and such but he scored high points with me for addressing free speech as … Read more

NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut2 - NH Dept of Ed pic

Sparking Curiosity in Education

In 2021, the New Hampshire Department of Education partnered with Discovery Education, one of the world’s leading EdTech companies. Through this collaboration, we have provided teachers and students across the state with a vast collection of high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, intuitive quiz and activity creation tools, and professional learning resources. These resources – … Read more

sun sunrise sunset heat wave

When “Global” Warming Isn’t “Global”

The current heatwave isn’t exactly odd, nor is it special. And it isn’t hotter than days of yore when CO2 was just an itch in your fossil-fuel daddy’s pants. It’s just the weather. Yes, it is hot. There are also too many polar bears now (‘cuz global warming).

wreath christmas Photo by Trey Musk on Unsplash

Go Smoke Your Woke

With Christmas just a few days away, the ‘woke brigade’ is working hard to ensure every little lib’s dreams come true. So let’s take a look at what their busy workshops have been doing lately…

Ice frozen bubble Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Ice, Ice, Baby! …

In 2020 we entered a grand solar minimum after exiting a grand solar Maximum. You had nothing to do with either, but politcal freaks saddled up the latter as a mule for socializing and controlling energy and your ability to use it.

Masks Are the New Desks

As we count down the days until the federal mask mandate, and the federal economic regulations that are sure to follow it, it’s worth thinking about how America, once the world’s most stalwart opponent of communism, has come to embrace the notion that a small group of ‘experts’ — most of them not elected by … Read more

Polar Bear Climate change makes me sad

Democrats’ campaign ideas never make it in practice

While it’s on my mind I should comment on a couple of letters in the Laconia Daily Sun where the writers lament our failure to buy into their climate change hysteria. Seems they believe all the disaster scenarios produced over the past 20-some years are cascading into reality. Frankly, I do not see it.