Shark Attacks Are Not Increasing Due to "Climate Change" - Granite Grok

Shark Attacks Are Not Increasing Due to “Climate Change”

shark selfie

A series of sensational stories have splashed across the “front pages” in recent weeks about shark citings in and around the waters of New England. Is it Climate Change, or have they come looking for that hypocrite, John Kerry?

The private-jet-setting yacht owning Klimate Tsar is the epitome of the Hypocrat class. Limousine liberal. The guy who, no matter what, will never be too hot or too cold or lacking for transportation, vacation opportunities, or the comforts of the modern western lifestyle against which he rails.

He’s Marie Antoinette before she lost her head. Let them eat heat!

And these folks will say or do anything to justify the trillions they’ve wasted on so-called alternatives, by which they mean alternative laundromats for turning your taxes into their campaign and “think tank” dollars.

The latest cult rumor to hit the “shrinking beaches™” is that shark attacks (or incidents of visible shark presence) are on the rise because of your devotion to a fraction of the comfort enjoyed by people like John Kerry.


In a July 2022 episode of NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, Kerry Sanders reported on “the concern” that “climate change means warmer waters, which brings sharks closer to shore.”


Sharks are the new COVID. Use fear to create a reception, then tie it to a preferred policy goal.

It works, but most of the lies that prop up the global warming narrative are not just wrong they are invisible to the average human eye. You don’t see glaciers, sea ice, or polar bears (all doing fine, by the way), so they can lie about it, but so what? THey are not swirling in the waters off the coast like sharks.

And heat waves are natural, but we experience them differently in the modern era, and most of the discomfort is a result of the massive expansion (mostly) Democrat-run urban heat islands and their impact on accurate temperature readings.

Footage and fearmongering about sharks trolling beaches is unusual, unexpected, and terrifying for most. It creates a visceral rise in tension. But there’s no evidence that the weather has anything to do with sharks being near the shore or people getting attacked by them unless you mean more people swimming in the water to attract them.

So what’s the deal?

First, there is zero connection between CO2 and temperature or anything else, including shark attacks. Human activity in the water is the most likely connection. As cities grow in size and populations swell, there are more people in the water doing more things (more often).

The eastern US seaboard population has swelled for decades.

In Australia,


The way people use the ocean has changed over time. The rise in Australian shark attacks, from an average of 6.5 incidents per year in 1990–2000, to 15 incidents per year over the past decade, coincides with an increasing human population, more people visiting beaches, a rise in the popularity of water-based fitness and recreational activities and people accessing previously isolated coastal areas.


More people increase both the likelihood of sitings and the likelihood of attacks. And it makes perfect sense. If you reduced the volume or quantity of opportunities for interaction, any accounting of attacks would demonstrably decrease, and the Left should be able to see that, or maybe they already have.

Their entire Climate fantasy is based on you doing with less, so they can have more. So, maybe they are not so much trying to convince you that easy western living is making sharks angry enough to eat a few more of you (which they’d not mind one bit)? Perhaps they are hoping you’ll abandon the “disappearing™” beaches so there will be more ocean front on which they can erect massive carbon-intensive estates.



