When “Global” Warming Isn’t “Global”

The current heatwave isn’t exactly odd, nor is it special. And it isn’t hotter than days of yore when CO2 was just an itch in your fossil-fuel daddy’s pants. It’s just the weather. Yes, it is hot. There are also too many polar bears now (‘cuz global warming).

And did you know that Eastern Europe was having a cold July?




That’s not newsworthy. And neither was the record cold June we experienced just last month.


The tropical (20N-20S) anomaly for June was -0.36 deg. C, which is the coolest monthly anomaly in over 10 years, the coolest June in 22 years, and the 9th coolest June in the 44 year satellite record.


I missed those blaring corporate media record cold headlines in June, and I bet you did too. And not one weather map hyper-exaggerated the unusually cold temperatures last month because that only happens when it might advance a progressive policy priority.







Once again, it’s been hotter for longer and not just once. 1901, 1930, 1934, 1936 and those are just the years for which we have data. Historical accounts going back centuries tell of extreme summer heat in a world lit only by fire, where few had transportation, and if they did, it was a horse.

CO didn’t cause any of that either, and we can see here that mitigating it in the US won’t make a damn bit of difference if it did.


Global coal production by nation 2022



The Dems domestic policy priority on coal, all energy, in fact, has but one impact: it makes America weaker and more dependent on foreign powers, at least one of whom, China, has infiltrated or bought off the scientific and political influencers driving US policy on climate and energy.

Meanwhile, if you look at the 2M temps for July 25th, 2022, most of the US is now experiencing below-normal temperatures )and it’s still July).

Proof once again that this is not climate (decades of data indicating a trend) it is”weather.”


2m Temps US 7-25-22



The only climate likely to harm or kill us is the political climate in DC and the state levels wells poisoned by the rhetoric and the strings attached to tax dollars laundered through Congress.



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