Arctic Watch Group Abandons Expedition And 10 out of 10 Polar Bears are on Ice

beaufort-sea iceSome ice watchers who are committeed to observing and reporting the environmental affects of “climate change” on arctic ice ran into a bit of a problem.

Severe weather conditions hindered our early progress and now ice chokes the passage ahead.

Our ice router Victor has been very clear in what lies ahead. He writes, “Just to give you the danger of ice situation at the eastern Arctic, Eef Willems of “Tooluka” (NED) pulled out of the game and returning to Greenland. At many Eastern places of NWP locals have not seen this type ice conditions. Residents of Resolute say 20 years have not seen anything like. It’s, ice, ice and more ice. Larsen, Peel, Bellot, Regent and Barrow Strait are all choked. That is the only route to East. Already West Lancaster received -2C temperature expecting -7C on Tuesday with the snow.”

Richard Weber, my teammate to the South Pole in 2009 and without doubt the most accomplished polar skier alive today, is owner and operator of Arctic Watch on Cunningham Inlet at the northern end of Somerset Island. Arctic Watch faces out onto our proposed eastern route. Richard dropped me a note the other day advising: “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”

…we’d require at least another 50-60 days to make it to Pond Inlet. Throw in the issues of less light, colder temperatures, harsher fall storms and lots of ice blocking the route and our decision is easy.

So thanks to “climate change” and the so-called detrimental affects of human activity on the planet these ‘researchers’ have had their human activity of getting to Pond Inlet to observe how climate change is endangering the planet, foiled….by the planet.  There’s too much damn ice.

Powerline and Anthony Watts (emphasis in original)


From Polar Bear Science

This summer…that’s summer, beaches, bikinis,  sunshine, laughing children building sand castles, the crash of the surf on the shore, and the earth-devastating anthropogenic disruptions to the bio-dome, the ten southern Beaufort-Sea Polar bears (wearing trackers) were observing the man-made destruction of their natural habitat from the sea ice.  At the end of July all ten bears were on the ice.

Bears apparently move mostly from ice to ice.  As noted above, there seems to be a lot of ice all over the arctic these days contrary to predictions.  Some bears move to land then back to ice.  The land is covered with snow and ice.  But what I found most interesting was that in this ‘little corner’ of the ice sheet there were 1,526 polar bears in 2008, and five years later the population has not changed.

The only thing that appears to be endangered is the heated global warming rhetoric of politically motivated activists and the people who spend the tax dollars they funnel to them.

photocredit: (Beaufort Sea)

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