The Lincoln Project

Lincoln Project Loves Liz !!!

In 2006, I ran in the Republican primary for US House of Reps, against Charlie Bass. Charlie won, but then he lost to the Democrat, Paul Hodes. In 2008, Jennifer Horn ran against Paul Hodes and lost, and then, in 2010, she ran against Charlie Bass and lost in the primary.

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Colbert Makes Fools of J.Ho’s “Lincoln Project”

Rick Wilson, one of Jennifer Horn’s comrades at the Lincoln Project, went on the Late Show obviously expecting some love from his fellow Trump-deranged travelers. He didn’t get any. Instead, the Late Show made it quite clear that they have absolutely no respect for Rick Wilson et. al, and that they consider him and his … Read more

How Many Votes Is Trump-Deranged Jennifer Horn Costing Sununu?

So I saw this today: While she has been singing Sununu’s praises, Horn has been getting more and more and more unhinged about Trump. For example, this March 27th tirade where Horn celebrates Trish Regan and Fox parting ways: Or this March 25th mindless rant: Wondering how many voters will associate Chris Sununu with NeverTrump … Read more