How Many Votes Is Trump-Deranged Jennifer Horn Costing Sununu?

So I saw this today:

While she has been singing Sununu’s praises, Horn has been getting more and more and more unhinged about Trump. For example, this March 27th tirade where Horn celebrates Trish Regan and Fox parting ways:

Or this March 25th mindless rant:

Wondering how many voters will associate Chris Sununu with NeverTrump and ProjectLincoln when they see Horn singing Sununu’s praises … because Horn’s opinion of you seems to depend on whether you are for and against Trump.  And additionally: Sununu has not distanced himself from Horn’s lunatic attacks on Trump.

I understand why Sununu has not distanced himself from Horn … no politician ever wants to give away votes. But Horn has gone so off the proverbial deep-end that Sununu may be doing himself more harm than good … because I believe many, many Trump-voters are going to turn out in November and these voters do not appreciate Trump-deranged hysterics like Horn constantly attacking and insulting the President.

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