pride flag

The ‘Pride Flag’ is Now a Symbol of Oppression

It’s ‘Pride Month.’ This is the month that the LGBTQ (and whatever else they’ve decided to add) Community celebrates their pride for being part of the community and celebrates no longer being ‘oppressed’ because of their sexual orientation or choices. I’ve never taken issue with this, I agree that this community was oppressed for years … Read more

Bloomberg Democrats Vote to Make NH Less Safe, Especially for Women

Yesterday, New Hampshire Democrats, fully funded by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other out-of-state gun control organizations, voted on two different gun control measures, written by out-of-state organizations. The first is House Bill 109 (HB 109), AN ACT requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales. This legislation is written by a California gun control organization … Read more

Rolling Stone Democrat Women

“Apparently Republican Women Do not Shape the Future.”

Rolling Stone, that bastion of cutting edge journalistic integrity, published a special “Women Shaping the Future edition.” It included profiles or interviews with four politicians. Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Antisemite Ilhan Omar. Connecticut Democrat Jahana Hayes (who?). And Speaker Nancy Pelosi. No Republican women. Not one. Which lead Conservative Tribune Writer Karista Baldwin to note, because apparently Republican … Read more

Hands heart pregnant woman

Planned Parenthood Discriminates Against Pregnant Workers

A recent New York Times article does not paint a pretty picture of Planned Parenthood (PP). No, not baby parts, babies and their pregnant mothers. Employees report mistreatment from day-to-day consideration to promotions and demotions related to pregnancy. Women also said they were afraid to tell supervisors they were pregnant for fear of mistreatment. And … Read more

Female Republican Leaders Outraged Over Democrat Gun Ban

Joint Statement – Rep. Kim Rice and Rep Jeanine Notter The first order of business for the Democrat-controlled New Hampshire House of Representatives was to channel their inner fascist by the banning of firearms, a page right of the Third Reich’s playbook.  If those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it, for Democrats … Read more

Girls Can Grow Up to Be Anything…Just Not Conservative

Elections where minority candidates lose, except in places like (say) New Hampshire, have become an opportunity for the left to wield the nuclear bomb called racism, on (of all people) women. Exit polling where Stacy Abrahams and Andrew Gillum have yet to win (because Democrat voting never ends even after the polls close) showed more white women voting for … Read more

Wimminz “Rights”

Just Sayin‘… A teenage girl drew upon gun training from her late father to fatally shoot an abusive boyfriend who was strangling her mother earlier this month in North Carolina, a prosecutor said Friday. … He was shot twice and killed by his girlfriend’s 15-year-old daughter after he attacked the woman and threatened to kill … Read more

Bodies With Vaginas More Susceptible to Certain Types of Head Injuries

The new world order goes to great lengths to convince people that Biology is irrelevant. That culture and society decide things like gender. So what are we to make of this?

“…according to a study published Tuesday in Radiology, female players are more sensitive to the impact (of ‘heading’ a soccer ball) than males.

The study authors found that female amateur soccer players who frequently head balls showed more white matter brain alterations than their male counterparts.

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Trans Woman ADMITS They are REDEFINING ‘Woman’ with Gender Identity Legislation


I’ve been saying it for months and proving it out with factual evidence but apparently that hasn’t been good enough for some Republican men OR New Hampshire’s male Republican Governor. The goal of House Bill 1319 (HB 1319) aka ‘Gender Identity’ legislation, is to change the definition of woman in public policy and under the law.

Over and over and over again, I have been explaining this with factual evidence that this is the end game but it seems some men don’t grasp this very dark reality or the ramifications of doing so. In a discussion on my most recently article about places where the word ‘Mother’ is being removed or banned, a trans woman actually admitted that that is what they are doing:


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How Soon Before ‘Mother’s Day’ is Banned in New Hampshire?


Today is Mother’s Day, that lovely day once every year in which people across the country celebrate their mothers in a special way, the women who birthed or raised them and loved them unconditionally. Of course, with the impending Gender Identity legislation, passed by a majority of men and about to be signed into law by Governor Sununu, eventually, to appease trans activists, motherhood will be redefined just like womanhood is being redefined under House Bill 1319 (HB 1319).

You’re probably shaking your head in disbelief, but alas, it’s true. In the United Kingdom, the British Medical Association has informed doctors that they are not to refer to pregnant patients as “mothers” because it may offend transgenders:

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NH’s Gender Identity Bill Will Essentially ‘Erase’ Women and Girls


On Monday, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for House Bill 1319 (HB 1319), AN ACT prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity.

Proponents of the legislation claim trans people don’t have protection against discrimination in the Granite State which has already been proven untrue. In fact, trans people have been using existing discrimination laws to sue when necessary for almost two decades.

The out-of-state organization that decided to push the “Trans Bill” in New Hampshire willfully ignores this fact and spreads falsehoods around the state that trans people don’t have the same protections as everyone else in the state. They spent last year smearing the Granite State with their lies.

Everyone has the individual right to believe whatever they want of themselves but what this legislation does is essentially erase the very definition of women and girls in public policy. By allowing anyone who simply feels like they are a woman or a girl to actually be defined as such, the true definition of womanhood and girlhood is absolutely erased.

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