Abhor-Shun Clinic to Close

An abhor-shun (Abortion) clinic in Virigina Beach will be closing after 40 years of performing the Democrat parties master-race “eugenics as rights” policies. The Virginian-Pilot reports that the abortion clinic’s closure comes about a week after Virginia’s Board of health voted to implement a law requiring abortion facilities “to meet strict, hospital-style building codes.” It … Read more

New Hampshire Democrat Women! How Do You Think Live Birth Abortions Should Be Performed?

NH Democrat women and live birth abortion

No point in beating around the bush.  Kermit Gosnell has put live birth abortion front and center and so should we.  It is a thoroughly documented fact that this is something that a number of prominent Democrat women in New Hampshire support.  Democrat leaders in the state and the Democrat party support it.  So we should explore this support to learn more about it.

It is reported that Gosnell, who performed many live birth abortions, would take the crying newborns and snip their spines to kill them.   But that is not necessarily the way every abortion doctor kills newborn babies, so we should pose the question to those in the New Hampshire Democrat party who not only support the practice but enrich their political careers because of it.

To the Democrat women in New Hampshire that support this practice…do you believe that Gosnell’s method–severing the infants spine at the neck– is the best way to kill a baby or do you prefer another?

If you prefer some other method of killing them, what is it?  We know you support it.  So speak up.

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74% of Americans Support Voter ID – NH Democrats on the Wrong Side Again!

Why anyone believes that Democrats are the party of the people is beyond me.  More aggressive PR perhaps.   Well here is yet another example of where Democrats, and New Hampshire Democrats in particular, are in the super minority on what matters to most Americans.  From a Washington Post Poll…74% of adult think requiring some form of ID to vote is a good idea.

(back up link if above has not been repaired)

74% favor ID to vote


But how about minorities?

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Could We Ever “Just Be Friends?”

The video seeks to resolve the question of whether men and women can ever be “just friends.”   A platonic relationship without any aspirations of hooking up.   Given that this “research” was conducted in a University Library, the outcome seems obvious but it is still instructive to see the parade of college-age women who think … Read more

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