Bodies With Vaginas More Susceptible to Certain Types of Head Injuries

The new world order goes to great lengths to convince people that Biology is irrelevant. That culture and society decide things like gender. So what are we to make of this?

“…according to a study published Tuesday in Radiology, female players are more sensitive to the impact (of ‘heading’ a soccer ball) than males.

The study authors found that female amateur soccer players who frequently head balls showed more white matter brain alterations than their male counterparts. The study included 49 women and 49 men, ages 18 to 50, and examined MRI imaging of players’ brains. Each female player was compared to a male player of a similar age and with other similar characteristics including frequency of heading exposure.”

It is also a well know ‘fact’ (from the same NHPR article) that female soccer players, and by “female” they mean women whose brains share a body with a vagina they were born with, are more susceptible to a concussion.

It’s already known that female soccer players are at a higher risk of concussion than males. Wellington Hsu, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Northwestern University, led a decade-long study of injuries among high school athletes that found this.

But the current study gives additional evidence that women are more susceptible to the impact of heading, and shows more areas of women’s brains are susceptible to potential injury than men’s.

Look out women’s soccer. Team owners and coaches may be looking to the future. A roster of trans-women who have brains sharing a body with a penis. They are stronger, faster, bigger, and less apt to suffer head injuries.

Now, all we need to do is figure out if the term white matter brain alterations is racist and we can call it day.


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