BREAKING NEWS!!! NH House Election Law Committee Passes FORENSIC AUDIT For Windham NH VOTING MACHINES 20-0!

AWESOME NEWS! Sincere thanks are in order for the entire NH House Election Law Committee, led by Chairperson Barbara Griffin (R-Goffstown), who unanimously voted to approve a forensic audit of Windham, NH’s voting machines and ballots.

NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner’s willingness to listen to voter concerns and recognize the importance of performing an independent forensic audit on Windham’s voting machines and ballots is a tribute to his character and integrity.

It appears that all of the concerns that have been publicly raised will be addressed… as long as qualified experts that have the skills to deliver a thorough analysis of the machines, memory cards and ballots are picked to serve on the audit team. The Antrim County, MI Forensic Report is what we’re looking for. That report sets the bar high.  Anything less will be unacceptable.

Thank you to State Representatives Maureen Mooney, Wayne MacDonald, Paul Bergeron, Connie Lane, Charlie McMahon, Mary Griffin, Bob Lynn and Julius Soti for sponsoring the amendment that replaced the original text of SB43.

Below are a few key excerpts from the Bill:

“An audit of the ballot counting machines and their memory cards and the hand tabulations of ballots regarding the general election on November 3, 2020 in Windham, New Hampshire of Rockingham County district 8 house of representatives for the purpose of determining the accuracy of the ballot ounting devices, the process of hand tallying, and the process of vote tabulation and certification of races.”

“A forensic election audit team shall be formed to complete the audit described in section 3 and it shall be comprised of:

I. One person designated by the town of Windham

II. One person designated jointly by the offices of secretary of state and attorney general

III. One person selected jointly by the designee of the town and the designee of the secretary of state and attorney general.”

“The audit process shall be determined by the forensic election audit team.”

“At a minimum the audit process referenced in section 1 shall include the following:

(a) All ballots shall be run through all the ballot counting machines used by the town of Windham on November 3, 2020.

(b) Determine the total ballots cast, the total ballots counted, and the total ballots received from the seretary of state.

(c) A hand tallying of all ballots cast in Windham in the Rockingham County district 7 state representative race, the race for governor, and the race for the United States senator.”

Here’s a copy of the Bill as amended this afternoon.  It will be voted on by the entire House the next time they meet at the end of the month.




  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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