Press Release: My Choice of Forensic Auditor For the Windham Incident is…

by Op-Ed

Windham, NH – Last November 3, 2020, the general election results for the Windham State Representative race wound up being significantly different from the hand recount. The vote count error has become known as the “Windham Incident” because the discrepancies between election day and the recount were the highest in the history of the state.

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That has led to concerns of many citizens, not just in Windham, but many in NH and even in other states. The interest and concerns exceed anything I have ever seen while serving as a Windham Selectman. The decision we make as a Board on this important issue must not only reflect the will of Windham, but the will of NH as well – because the integrity of NH elections is being questioned – and the First in the Nation Primary status is at risk.

Many Windham residents did an amazing job seeking answers because they refused to let this mystery go unsolved. That led to the passing of SB43, championed by our NH State Senate, Senator Bob Giuda, and Senate President Chuck Morse

SB43 mandates that a forensic audit must be performed on the paper ballots and the voting machines. Both types of audits are important because many people have speculated different opinions for the significant vote discrepancies after the hand recount. All possibilities need to be thoroughly explored to restore confidence in the voting machines that are used throughout the state, as well as the election process Windham Election Officials have put into place.

As a Selectman, I am responsible for helping to choose one of the forensic analyst teams as defined in SB43. For me, that is an easy decision. There were thousands of people who requested the Windham Selectman choose Jovan Hutton Pulitzer as Windham’s forensic analyst designee.

When I researched Mr. Pulitzer, I found he has technology that will be able to forensically inspect the ballots, and accurately tabulate the vote totals that will be compared to the election day results as well as the recount results.

Mr. Pulitzer’s reputation is impeccable. His technology is used throughout the world, in many different products, in over 12 million electronic devices around the world. Why wouldn’t the Windham Selectmen want that type of expertise to investigate what happened here in Windham so that we can definitively learn what happened with the vote tabulations on November 3rd?

Mr. Pulitzer and his Team will have my vote at our next meeting.

Selectman Bruce R. Breton
Windham, NH 03087


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