DISTURBING: Windham Officials to Choose “Windham Incident” FORENSIC AUDITOR in SECRET!

When the integrity of NH elections are questioned… there should be no compromises made regarding transparency when seeking answers. None. Election integrity issues should be resolved in an open, public process for all to observe.  Unfortunately, it appears the Windham Board of Selectmen do not agree.

I do not make that statement lightly, as I know each of the Selectmen personally. Most people would remain silent, but I believe it’s irresponsible to do so.

Related: Send a Message to Windham Leaders: The Election Audit Process MUST be Transparent!

Especially since similar concerns were ignored by officials in other states where many shenanigans took place in November’s general election. “Anomalies” and “Glitches” were words that some used to describe what others declared (with sworn affidavits) were fraudulent activities.

Related: Antrim County Michigan Forensics Election Report is Not a “Smoking Gun”… It’s a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!

Windham, New Hampshire, had it’s own “Glitch” that has been dubbed the “Windham Incident.”  1,363 election day votes were changed after a hand recount of only 10,006 ballots for the State Rep race 9 days later. No one knows how that happened… and that is unacceptable!

Related: What The Heck Happened In Windham’s November Election? (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

What is more unacceptable is the process for selecting the forensic analysts to perform the forensic audits on Windham’s ballots and machines.

Three forensic analysts must be chosen: one jointly by the NH AG and Secretary of State (SOS); one by the Windham Selectmen; and the third by the first two analysts chosen. Every one of those governing bodies has a conflict of interest: the AG’s office refused to perform a meaningful investigation; the SOS’s office oversaw the recount that produced the massive discrepancy; and three of the five Windham Selectman supervised the general election on November 3, 2020.  Most disturbing… one Selectman has been adamantly against a forensic audit from day one – yet he will help choose a forensic auditor.

Juror standards should be applied for the selection process of the forensic analysts – but aren’t.  Anyone with a perceived conflict of interest should be kept arms length away – but isn’t.

In addition, each forensic analyst will be given a brief 5 minutes to introduce themselves,  their skill sets, and their experience to the Selectmen.  That is an impossible task!  It is a ridiculous, cursory process, that has raised serious suspicions by many I have spoken with.  It does not restore confidence.

In fact, many are angry and compare what is taking place to the shenanigans in other parts of the country during November, e.g. when Windham resident and Trump 2020 Senior Campaign Advisor Corey Lewandowski was locked out of the Philadelphia Convention Center to prevent him from meaningfully observing the counting of ballots – even though he had a court order in hand.  Lewandowski will be present tonight.  I wonder how his concerns will be received by the Selectmen.

I spoke with many interested forensic analysts over the past two months.  Even with my technical background as a software engineer and systems designer, it took hundreds of hours of time, research and due diligence to identify which candidates were qualified. It took some of that time to discover some had conflicts of interest – and that those companies should NEVER be allowed to get close to our machines.

Most disturbing, the Selectmen will choose a forensic analyst in secret, behind closed doors – while they discuss and review publicly available information… some of which is partisan rhetoric that intentionally maligns and unfairly disparages some of the candidates – who will then be unaware… more importantly denied… opportunities to correct.

With all due respect and with so much at stake, that is not the way to resolve the largest recount discrepancy in the history of NH. It is not the way to restore public confidence and integrity in our elections.  In fact, it has the opposite effect – which is why I am compelled to write this uncomfortable post.

I hope the Windham Selectmen will reconsider their entire selection process at tonight’s meeting.

Members of the public should consider attending in person.  The meeting will be held at 7pm at the Windham High School, 64 London Bridge Rd, Windham, NH. 03087.

Please take a few minutes and respectfully let the Selectmen know how you feel.  They can be emailed at: BOS@WindhamNH.gov.



  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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