URGENT MESSAGE From American Patriots to People of Windham: Your Forensic Audit in Windham is being Secretly Sabotaged

by Ken Eyring

The Gateway Pundit broke a story about Mark Lindeman a few hours ago.  It contains a lot of information and links for people to do their own research regarding the Political Scientist the Windham Board of Selectmen have chosen to perform their forensic audit on their voting machines that he has zero experience how to perform.

A normal person would expect the Selectmen to choose an experienced forensic auditor instead of a Political Scientist to perform a forensic audit… but what could go wrong?

Here’s a disappointing quote from Selectman Roger Hohenberger,

“When asked the question last week as to whether the applicant possessed experience with optical scanners, I was surprised to hear that none did.”

But that lack of basic experience didn’t stop Selectman Hohenberger from making a horrible decision that he still proudly defends.

That Gateway Pundit story I referenced above is packed with information.

The Selectmen have chosen Mark Lindeman, the co-director of the nonprofit Verified Voting as part of the audit team. VV fought for paper ballots years ago, when the country was being told to go with paperless electronic voting machines. VV fought that and made sure we bought machines with a paper ballot.

It used to be the trusted and factual voice of computer scientists fighting on the side of election honesty and integrity.

Not any more.

You can and should read the entire Gateway Pundit story here.



  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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