6th Annual 2A Rally in NH

Hundreds Descend Upon State House for Annual 2A Rally

The Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire held their annual 2nd Amendment Rally yesterday at the State House in Concord. Despite coronavirus concerns (yes, there was hand sanitizer), hundreds gathered in support of their 2nd Amendment rights and against the outrageous gun control being pushed and passed by Democrats in the legislature. The house passed … Read more

Press Conference: Womens’ Defense League of NH – Veto these bills!

by Skip

This morning, the Womens’ Defense League of NH (“WDLNH”) had a press conference in the Legislative Office Building at 8:30am. Despite the slavish attention that NH’s Media gives the anti-Constitution/civilian disarmament folks, none of them were to be found covering “the other side”. Only GraniteGrok and Tony Schinella from Patch were there: The topic: to … Read more

College Students You Never See in the Media But Should

Today, the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire held a ‘New Shooters Shoot’ at Londonderry Fish & Game Club with New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans. The students were from several colleges across the Granite State, including SNHU, UNH, Plymouth State University, Riveria University and St. Anselm’s. Before heading out to the range, students sat … Read more

Granite State Taxpayers Rally – Kimberly Morin

by Skip

Gov. Sununu was not the only speaker that got recorded.  Kimberly Morin (President of the Womens’ Defense League of NH, Grokster, and NH’s ndefatigable Tweeter who constantly is driving the Left absolutely bananas) was actually the first speaker.  If you’ve ever heard her before, today’s speech by Kimberly will not disappoint! Gun Rights, womens’ rights, … Read more

ICYMI – “Hold The Line” – Fifth Annual Gun Rally

by Skip

Once again, our Constitutional Rights are under attack – not just the Second Amendment / Article 2-A that is the focus of the Women’s Defense League of NH’s event tomorrow starting at noon at the Capital building in Concord, NH. It is also our First Amendment Rights, our Fourth Amendment Rights, Due Process – all … Read more

Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire Statement on the ‘Pearl Controversy’ and Deflection from Dangerous Red Flag Bill

WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: President Kimberly Morin, info@wdlnh.org March 7, 2019 Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire Statement on the ‘Pearl Controversy’ and Deflection from Dangerous Red Flag Bill Concord, NH – The Women’s Defense League of NH strongly condemns out-of-state activists deflecting a debate on the merits of HB … Read more

NH GOP Convention – GrokInterviews: Michelle Levell

by Skip

At the 2019 Annual NH GOP Convention, I caught up with educational activist, current Chair of the Womens’ Defense League of NH, and NH GOP Committee Member (and Grokster!) Michelle Levell. The single question, as I promised to be short, was “what do you expect to see as the end results?” Oh, as you can … Read more

CNHT Taxpayer Family Reunion Picnic – Kimberly Morin

by Skip

The Fiahcrakah (that’s Firecracker to you Flatlanders) – Kimberly is a lady that is never still or quiet.  Proprietor of NH Political Buzz, she also writes for us here at GraniteGrok and is the current President of the Womens’ Defense League of NH (“WDLNH”).  She is never a lady without a few bon (as well as mal) mots floating on her lips nor from her keyboard.  She is “on” all the time and served as the last speaker of the day at the CNHT Annual Picnic (aka “Old Home Day for Conservatives”) and you will enjoy her talk!

Previous video:

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I think this would be a GREAT idea – no more having to pay for rental space

by Skip

Starbucks wants to lecture you

And given the latest policy from Starbuck as they go all out self-flagellating over “unconscious bias and latent racism” by ALL their employees:

The Women’s Defense League should hold meetings at Starbucks

That would be the Women’s Defense League of NH. Remember, Starbucks made “a request”, not a demand and not a policy of “get out”.  What, they want another PR Black Eye?

Sidenote: Hmmm, pun wasn’t intended as I was typing it, but why not pile on Starbucks right now?  After all, by requiring ALL of their employees to attend this meeting, and telling their baristas a while ago that Starbucks was a place for them to engage their customers in talks about race (Huh?  Trying to have it BOTH ways. Again?)

Go in and have a great meeting on the finer points of REAL gun control

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Really Jan Schmidt? Are you that clueless?

by Skip

SHOT: The number of people that the National Rifle Association (and by their support, WDLNH) killed last year………zero. BARRAGE: Jan Schmidt supports Planned Parenthood.  Last year, they (from their own report and her, via her support of them), killed 328,348 babies. Who is the domestic terrorist, Jan Schmidt? (H/T: Facebook)

Michelle Levell – Security Theater

Michelle Levell, the chairman of the women’s defense league, speaks to the problem of Security theater, that dog and pony show put on by the left where they pretend to do something that ultimately makes us less safe, just so they can nibble away at our constitutional rights. For more ways to listen visit the … Read more

Lisa Freemen – Save New Hampshire!

NH State Representative Lisa Freeman a political refugee from the socialist state of Marxachusetts reminds us that we need to do everything we can to save New Hampshire. Check out the original blog post for more ways to listen.

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