
Not Another Free Cellphone Until Every Veteran Has A Home

It has been challenging to watch the U.S. Government fawn over the millions of illegal immigrants who have forged the dangerous currents of the Rio Grande to break through our backdoor. A swag bag is waiting for each with a cell phone, debit cards, and a trip anywhere they want to go in the lower 48. Did I mention these people are illegal?

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Our Veterans Deserve Better

We have a volunteer military, and the men and women who opt to serve deserve our thanks, but so much more. Whether they choose the military as a career or put their job on pause while they spend a few years in service, we are all indebted to these special people who put their love … Read more

I voted sticker

Veterans, SB418, And Clean Elections

A marquee message recently displayed in my town of Loudon accused me of being anti-veteran, due to my support of SB418, an election integrity measure recently signed into law by Governor Chris Sununu. Criticism—fair and unfair—goes with the territory for elected officials. While one can’t respond to every slam, replies are occasionally required. This is such an occasion.

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Horseplay, Heroes, and Hope

Who amongst us has never been on a horse? While no equestrian, I did once recklessly mount a big old horse roaming my grandfather’s apple orchard on his remote backcountry farm in Lunenburg, Vermont—way back when I was 11 or so.

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Donald J. Trump

FACT CHECK: ‘Trump Accomplishments’ List

There is a post being shared on social media that is being called “Trump Accomplishments” and urges readers to verify each of the accomplishments and to share the list with others because the media isn’t talking about these accomplishment. When I received the list, I knew some of the things but hadn’t heard of many … Read more

I’m Almost Always Blogging, But When I’m not…

I’m almost always blogging, but when I’m not…I support independent local brewers. And plastic Adirondack chairs. And small contained fires (yes, I have a frikkin permit). And relaxing outdoor environments, and liberty, and freedom, and…wait, I’m blogging again.

Laconia School District: This shirt inappropriate for a third grader to wear to school

by Skip


We do a lot of writing and when one of the Groksters gets it wrong, an apology is required.  Tonite, it is my turn and I apologize to Superintended Steve Tucker, Principal Eric Johnson, and Teacher Lindsey Packer.  I publicized bad information – information for which I fell for. From my Daughter-in-Law’s Facebook post on this issue that I just happened to screenshot:

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NH World War II Museum Declares Itself a Gun-Free Zone

by Tom

For many reasons these days, members of The Greatest Generation are likely rolling in their graves. Over the past few decades, the Left has infected our country with a blight of Socialism, Marxism and absolute anti-Americanism not seen since the early 1900s. WWII veterans gave their youth, their health and their lives to free us … Read more

Jess Edwards – Help us Honor Korean War Veterans

by Skip

NH State Rep Jess Edwards (R-Rockingham District 4) did something a bit different. He is looking for some help with a charity softball game coming up) on October 6 where they are honoring our Korean War veterans. Here’s Jess throwing out his first pitch! (If you know of someone, let Jess know!)  

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