Is Carol Shea-Porter anti-millitary?

Carol Seiu-Porter’s energy policy agenda actually costs the US military billions of dollars more per year in increased fuel and energy costs. Stephen Hayward at the Weekly Standard estimated that every $10/barrel added to the price of oil costs the defense department (and you) one billion dollars more per year.

Chandley/Dokmo Take Over The Amherst Citizen

If you read the Amherst citizens October 26th edition you won’t be wondering how people feel about Cynthia Dokmo’s Write-In campaign or whether Shannon Chandley is a good candidate.  Of the twenty-seven (27) letters to the editor in this week’s edition, seventeen (17) mention either Dokmo or Chandley favorably, with at least one mentioning both.  … Read more

Separation Of State…from Church.

Let me be clear.  My towns middle school does not do all that bad a job covering the US constitution.  I can say this mostly because they actually cover it for a few weeks, during an exploration of American history and the founding of the nation.   But being either a victim of or party to the kinds of support materials embedded into the public education system, I still manage to find a few ringers that make me shake my head and smile.

Not too long ago I regaled you on these pages with the tale of just such a ringer on the Middle Schools ‘citizenship quiz,’ where it asked the question, where does free speech come from?  The correct answer is of course, ‘our creator,’ who provided us with a set of unalienable rights that exist even in the vacuum of the necessary evil of government.  But that’s not the answer they were looking for.  They expect you to write ‘The 1st amendment.’ This is of course incorrect.  It assumes people could not speak freely prior 1791 when the bill of rights was ratified which is why I  am forever reminding my children that the US Constitution does not give rights, it protects them.

Which brings me to this newly discovered Gem. Yesterday I came across a series of poorly worded essay questions—my second sons homework–the worst of which was this; What part of Article VI of the US constitution supports the idea of separation of church and state? Explain. (Go ahead and roll your eyes or make a grunting noise, or whatever it is you do when confronted with such nonsense.)

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Bawny Fwank Must Go.

Karol Kills Kjobs

Shea-Porter is clinging to the idea that the health care bill she deemed passed will create jobs.  But like most progressive undertakings it will destroy two to three times as many jobs as are forced into existence by the distant, egg head, committee appointees in DC.  Net loss, ship sinks, economy drowns.

With that in mind Ben Domenech at RedState has this.   It suggests the path to job loss created by the bills provisions, you know the ones we can fix later.  Of course the taxes created to supposedly pay for the bill, are the ones destroying the jobs.  That’s the liberal-progressive equivalent to free market process of creative destruction; it’s just called destruction.

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Jayne Spaulding-Say Hello To My Woodshed

RINO!Jayne Spaulding is a RINO.  The voters in her district grew weary of her brand of left leaning republican governance and used the primary ballot box to excuse her from participating in the 2010 general election, deciding instead on other choices made available to them.

Jayne, like several other RINO’s in New Hampshire who have been the victims of "fringe elements" (aka-voters) have suddenly lost faith in the secret ballot now that it has become a capricious scold; tossing her to the curb like a two-dollar whore.  How dare the electorate that once embraced Jayne Spaulding refuse to show up to ensure her tenure in the New Hampshire House.  Clearly this is a mistake, the doing of some sinister cabal of right wing special interests and conservative extremists.  They can’t possibly have decided to take the state in a different direction from that of moderate Jayne Spaulding?

(No word yet from Jayne on the possibility of also claiming that foreign campaign dollars polluted the district to marshall her undoing.  But give her time.  She’s got all the other left wing excuses working.)

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Hodespocrisy – Birds Of A Feather

Fifteen democrat Senators have written a letter to the FEC seeking to act on the possibility that multinationals are using their foreign dollars to affect US elections.  Ten of the fifteen have PAC’s that have donated to Paul ‘foreign money hypocrite’ Hodes.  All but one of the fifteen has taken money in 2010 from foreign multi-nationals including Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a co-signer and co-hypocrite who took at least 41,850.00 potentially foreign dollars in 2010 herself before signing the letter.

But that’s a hypocrite for a different election.  We’re here to remind you what a hypocrite Paul Hodes is.

A review of US Senators by CNBC identifies 86 who have received money from companies that fit the left wing narrative on those meddling foreign contributors, at least 27 of whom have PACS or committees that have shared money with Paul Hodes.  That’s on top of money he’s received directly from organizations or companies with a foreign presence.

And on the jump (or the CNBC link above) you can see all the foreign money the letter signers have roped in, just in 2010.

So I guess they’ll be giving it all back then?




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DC Puppet?

A vote for John Lynch is a vote for Obamacare. John Lynch has not demonstrated any interest in protecting the state of New Hampshire from federal meddling of any kind.  He takes their money, strings attached, to hide his bad budgeting and big spending.  He’s accepted federal education money even though it was written with … Read more

Obama Appleseed

Unions are basically socialist constructs, huge businesses whose product is workers dues dollars.  They cannot Feel The Power of The Dark Sidesurvive without them so they need to manipulate the business/worker environment to maximize their income earning potential.

The biggest union scam ever conceived was the public sector union.  Taxpayer funded employees pay dues which are then used to influence elections at every level in favor of a political class that will then build union power by growing government, and adding more dues paying union employees whose additional funds will then keep the pro-union politicians in power.

Want to know why democrats care about public school class sizes?  More teachers, more dues, more democrats.  It has nothing to do with learning.  Now project that thinking across the entire "grow government" universe and you have a massive scheme to swell the bureaucracy at your expense that should be illegal but is not.  But with Obama serving as their Johnny Appleseed, using your money–provided by the democrat congress–he’s been creating and saving dues paying public union jobs (and democrat campaign coffers) all over the nation.

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Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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Carol’s Debate Performance

Carol After the debate….   Just a steaming pile…   She talked too fast, sounded too whiny, was defensive, and even had that elitist snooty tone all at the same time.  And she’s still wrong on all the issues.   She looked petty and desperate.   Frank Kicked her ass.  That’s right, I said ass. … Read more

Teen Birth Rates Drop…..But why?

According to an article by Carol Robidoux in the Saturday morning, Union Leader, fewer New Hampshire teenagers have babies than their counterparts in other states.  The article discusses some reasons but never mentions the number of teen pregnancies that do not result in live births.

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“I now know what the democrats really meant when they promised to create ‘more transparency in government.’ After just a few months in complete control…we were able to see right through them. “

Jilted RINO Seeks Revenge

Longtime RINO and progressive sympathizer Cynthia Dokmo lost her primary.  She didn’t take it well.  Now she is pulling a Murkowski–sort of–waging a write in campaign to undo the injustice thrust upon her by primary voters. Certainly it must have been a mistake.  In all of her district there has to be one or two … Read more

Courage And Pride

Has The Ground Zero Mosque Been Neutered?

From Stephen Schwartz at the Weekly Standard, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a major money guy behind the NYC GZM (Ground Zero Mosque) says he’s no longer in favor of the project.

A Great Way To Start Your Morning!

Lt Colonel Allen West has some uplifting words to start your day.  Take five minutes to get your morning motivated.  

Abusive Union supporting John Lynch

Warning-SEIU Supports John LynchRyan Williams (GOP Spokesperson) just pulled a Kathy Sullivan.  He’s filed a complaint with the AG over an out of state Ad attacking John Stephen.  The democrats of course think this is hypocritical, you know, to act just like they do.  And maybe it is.  Or maybe Kathy is afraid Ryan will get an  overflowing complaint drawer at the AG’s office just like hers.

Speaking personally my "interest" in out of state interests turns entirely on the lefts obsession with pretending they don’t use them or get money from them, and who they are really funded by.  That’s the real hypocrisy.  So maybe Ryan Williams is just making a point?

But is it the right point to make? 

What’s the real issue with that Ad? 

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Ok, Like, This Is Me On The defict, Eh.

In twenty months the democrats have added $3,039,049,594,342.88 dollar deficit. (That’s trillions). That’s more debt than the entire history of America from its founding to 1990.

Beware Misleading Jobs Numbers

If New Hampshire only had one person in their workforce, and they had a job, unemployment would be at 0%.  Keep that in mind as John Lynch and the democrats short-stroke the September adjusted jobs number around as a sign that they are good for the economy.  They are not.

The unemployment number is merely a reflection of how many people are actually in the workforce, versus how many of that number are working.  You could manage to create no jobs at all and have unemployment go down simply because the number of people looking kept getting smaller every month.

Well that what’s been happening in the Granite State, so take the news in this mornings paper of a recent decrease in the unemployment percentage with a shaker of salt.  John Lynch will want to spin this as John’s economic recovery stage show, but how do you sell that when people are leaving the theater in droves?  You don’t tell anyone they are leaving.

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