Dave Rubin Jordan Peterson John Anderson YouTube Screen Grab

Labeling the West as an Oppressive Patriarchy is Fundamentally Flawed

The new left, same as the old left, has a goal. The revolution. Burn everything down and from these ashes will arise something better. At least that’s what it says in the Marxist’s tri-fold marketing literature which is spoon-fed to younger generations.

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Grokified Treehugger Logo

DISQUS Doodlings: Socialism Disavows Individual Responsibility – The Old “Makers vs Takers” Connundrum

Note: No, not me this time but from “Vindaloo Bugaboo”, also a frequent commenter at Treehugger who would fit in well here at GraniteGrok.  I liked what he wrote at one of TH those posts and asked if he’d “translate” it for GraniteGrok. And no, I had no input in that commenting series as he was doing so splendidly well!

As a child, one of my favorite bedtime stories my mum would read me was the 1974 Scholastic Books classic, “Little Red Hen” by Paul Galdone.

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Rope knot water line original Photo by Alex Ware on Unsplash

The Worst Relationship the World has Ever Known

If you have ever had any sort of relationship with anyone, you ought to have a keen sense (unless you are an obsessive naval gazer) that nothing about socialism could ever possibly work.

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Notable Quote – Capitalism Requires Both Individual Freedom and Respect for Private Ownership

Capitalism is an economy based on decentralized private ownership of resources and open markets; “based on” means that private ownership rights are acknowledged and respected. Most members of society must feel a duty to respect the private rights of others. Ownership rights must be exercisable without fear, ridicule, or disrespect from other members of society. … Read more

Four Horseman graphic - painting - artwork

Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy”

When I was in college studying Thermodynamics as a part of my engineering curriculum, one of the things I learned was the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  I.e.:

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too much capitalism

Notable Quote – Only Capitalism Puts the Individual Foremost. Everything Else Puts the State First

As Hayek frequently repeated, many intelligent and informed people of his day had been taken in by the claim that National Socialism was the next logical and historical phase of a collapsing capitalism. His point, one that most would accept today as evident, was that fascism and communism both represent totalitarian systems that have much more in … Read more

Putin Ukraine

Fighting for Its Life

Outnumbered and outgunned but the brave people of Ukraine are still fighting for their freedom and their national life. Massive Russian military forces are meeting heavy resistance, and the people of the world are inspired by their courage and patriotism.

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The NH Senate Sees Donna Soucy’s Shadow So, Another Year without Government Meddling in the Minimum Wage

Once again, NH Democrats believe that Government has the “wisdom” to determine the economic worth of every wage earner in the State.

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Grokified Treehugger Logo

It’s EASY to Make Shared Misery “Equitable”! – Freedom vs Coercion

With ad hom attacks thrown in. Yes, I’m getting more militant on Treehugger – time for us ALL to heed Glen Reynold’s admonition to Conservatives and Libertarians to “punch back twice as hard” and that’s what the deal is here.  Take the eco-socialists words and turn them right back on them.  Make them come out … Read more

Memories Pixabay Geralt Free for commerical use note-office-business-men-s-suit-3205464

Where’d My Memory Go? The Left “Redistributed” it Away

If you don’t know where you came from, then any road in front of you is acceptable.  If you don’t know what didn’t work in the past, why worry about what lies in front of you?

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Notable Quote – Socialism provides no such Incentives

Capitalism provides many with the opportunity to display initiative. While the rigidity of a status society enjoins on everybody the unvarying performance of routine and does not tolerate any deviation from traditional patterns of conduct, capitalism encourages the innovator. Profit is the prize of successful deviation from customary types of procedure; loss is the penalty … Read more

Pills capsuls cure disease original image by phoenixwil pixaby

Their “Cure” is Worse Than ‘The Disease’

All the usual Democrats are in the news giving us their latest and best advice on dealing with COVID. New, the kids need to stay in school (because they are less susceptible to COVID) or because self-isolation has been reduced to five days instead of ten (because parents must return to work to improve our economy?).

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Fail Original Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Why Top-down Socialist Economic Systems Are Always Doomed to Failure

No single individual, nor any collection of individuals, could have in their heads all the complex technical information on production processes and the nuances of personal feeling involved in matching millions of investment sources and users.

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Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

Even Republicans Think We’re Imbeciles and Incapable of Self-Care: The COVID

I recently got the following from a NH Republican House Legislator (who asked for anonymity) lamenting our “political elite” on both sides of the aisle. You know, like NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” However, this is about the Republicans.

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Government Charity by PoliticsDebunked

Blast from the Past – Apropos Given What the Biden / Sanders “Build Back Better” Catastrophe wants to Do

GraniteGrok now has well over 44,000 posts in its archive – and I have written well over 16,000 of them and Steve is credited with an almost as large number as well. Why do I bring this up?

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Potassium Metathorinate

Please forgive the click-bait title… you probably said “Potassium Meta-WTF-is-he-talking-about”?

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Evolution of Biden

The Evolution of Today’s Socialist, Anti-American Democrat

Throughout our history, Democrats and Republicans have offered contrasting solutions to the many problems facing our nation.  But until recently, they have always agreed on certain fundamental principles.

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Socialists Guaranteed to slaves Ronald Reagan vis eBaums world

“Socialist Magazine Founder Fires Staff for Socialist Organizing, Confesses He Felt Ownership of What He’d Made”

A socialist starts a socialist magazine, hires more Socialists that are “down with the Cause,” and then faces a revolt when his Socialist workers try to make it a “workers co-operative” and fires them. This is beyond hysterical.

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Money down the toilet

Democrats’ Spending

The Democrats are pushing to spend more money than most Americans can truly conceive.  The Senate, with the help of some Republicans, signed off on what is called the “Infrastructure Bill” for about 1.2 trillion dollars.

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