Uprising chart

Taxpayers Subsidize Vermonters’ Highest-In-The-Nation Health Insurance Rates

While it’s recently been announced that Vermont will have to pay the highest premiums in the nation for health insurance for 2025, much of the tab for those struggling to pay will be picked up by taxpayers. “This year, many Vermonters will be eligible for better coverage plans at lower premium costs due to increased … Read more

The “Fascist” Ad Hominem As an Act of Projection

A definition of “projection” is when one baselessly accuses others of doing something unsavory, immoral, or illegal that he is actually doing. For example, a thief who, without proof, accuses others of being thieves. This is what socialists do when they call their intellectual and political opponents “fascists” or compare them to Hitler. Fascism is socialism, as … Read more

Grcery store empty shelves original Photo by Richard Burlton on Unsplash

Chicago Dems New Money Laundering Scam

It has become impossible to do business in some parts of Chicago, where unprosecuted crime and rampant lawlessness have driven grocery and retail stores out of the city. We covered this last year. Unable to guarantee employee safety or economic viability, everyone from mom-and-pops to Wal-Mart has closed up shop. The result is “food deserts.” The Chicago … Read more

Woke is Maoism with American Characteristics”

What is Woke? What is Equity? I can tell you for certain that neither of those terms includes the traditional American ideals of meritocracy, equality before the Law, and equal opportunity—YOU get to decide how far in Life you can go and what you can achieve. Woke and Equity are Marxist foundational concepts that are antithetical to our norms.

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Heil Diversity … Heil Equity … Heil Inclusion

Which ‘ism does today’s New Hampshire Democrat Party most resemble (‘ism meaning a manifestation of socialism or collectivism or communism or whatever appellation you prefer to describe a system of government where under the guise of serving “the common good,” or achieving “equity” or “social justice,” or some other pretext the citizenry is conned and … Read more

The Left and Teenage Mental Illness: Bug or Feature? (Part 2)

Part one of this article looked at the rise in mental illness in our culture, especially the youth.  The question is, where does it come from and why?  Looking at the overwhelming influencers, namely teachers and social media, it begs the question of what has changed and who started it.

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Confronting a Select Board Over Mandated D.E.I. Training

After reviewing the town of Hartford D.E.I. training and discovering that it is a front for cultural Marxism propped up by lies and unproven social theory, I felt obligated to address the Select Board, which mandated it for town employees.

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Emily Drabinski ALA queer Socialist

First, We Caught Public Schools Indoctrinating Our Children, And Now …

Public schools have been indoctrinating our children, and it is our tax dollars that are making this possible. Our own money is being used by those who hate us against us and our children. You know that. You know about the library problem. But did you know this?

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woman tape redhead silence free speech

What Losing Free Speech Looks Like

Several readers have forwarded a story about a Canadian father jailed and fined for misgendering his daughter in public. But he wasn’t jailed for that, not exactly. He was fined and imprisoned for ignoring a gag order that prohibited him from publicly objecting to the forced hormone therapy to which he did not consent.

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Jeb Bradley - Screen Grab - Jebs Facebook page

The New Hampshire UniParty Keeps Winning

There is nothing … NOTHING … more fwee market than FORCING people who use fossil fuels to SUBSIDIZE people using SOLAR. Nothing. And if you say otherwise, you are Putin’s puppet.

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Indoctrination cartoon

Let’s Play a Guessing Game

I’d like you to read the quote below and decide if you think they better fit the ideas of a Democrat ora  Republican. I’ll give you my thoughts at the end.

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Notable Quote – “…A Battle Between Freedom and Subjugation”

Emphasis mine: Condemning capitalism is nothing new in this country. We’ve heard the angry criticisms all of our lives, and they weren’t novel when we were young. It’s tragic, really, that so many in the West see the tension between “capitalists” and their ideological opponents as merely a conflict between ideas about which economic system … Read more


Assisted Suicide Could be a Cash Cow for Funeral Homes and Governments

Where Canada goes, Vermont follows – remember, they did try to join Canada way back when – so it seems logical to wonder about this. For $700.00, a funeral home in Quebec offer “a space for assisted dying, providing care to the family and handling the body afterward.”

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We Are All Ingredients In The Recipe For Socialism

Many of us are not happy about the direction of America and concerned about the younger generation being content with our trend away from Capitalism and towards Socialism. We were told by some nefarious historical figures that this would happen and exactly what the steps in the process would be. If you disregard history, you … Read more

Plymouth flag wave 5

There Is No Mental Health Crisis Worse Than an Entire Nation Shackled to the Will of a One-party State.

The public ed industrial complex, in cahoots with the Gender transitionists, is recruiting an army of mentally unstable people, some of whom are taking a false “they hate you” narrative and using it to commit suicide by cop after shooting up schools and churches.

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Unhinged Democrats

Democrat Rule Is the Single Biggest Threat to Your Longevity and Quality of Life.

The Democrat party is the party of death, but they are also the party of fear, and one of the more recent terms to join their lexicon is forever chemicals. Anything that gets into your body accumulates and never leaves, like Democrat Socialism.

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Hey Dummies … Fascism IS Socialism

In the alternative universe that the Left inhabits, the fascists are on the right side of the political spectrum, while the socialists are the middle or the center-left. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

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Rachel Richardson Duke Volleyball Roster

The “Woke Hoax” Is Unraveling America

The women’s volleyball match between Duke University and Brigham Young University had ended, but the turmoil had just begun. A black Duke player complained that every time she served, a fan heckled her using the N-word.

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Manster wheel - YouTube Screen Grab popsugar.com

Parody Flashback: Obama/DNC Announce New Jobs Program

To Help Americans better understand President Obama’s Jobs Program VII – The Return of The Laser-Like Focus,  the Democrat National Committee has released this image for the DNC/Obama “Ladder to Success” Jobs program.

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Notable Quote – What Socialists REALLY want!

“The truth is that, to many people calling themselves Socialists, revolution does not mean a movement of the masses with which they hope to associate themselves;  it means a set of reforms which ‘we’, the clever ones, are going to impose upon ‘them’, the Lower Orders.” — George Orwell Corollary:  “…and exile, punish or execute all … Read more

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