Their “Cure” is Worse Than ‘The Disease’

by Steve Earle

All the usual Democrats are in the news giving us their latest and best advice on dealing with COVID. New, the kids need to stay in school (because they are less susceptible to COVID) or because self-isolation has been reduced to five days instead of ten (because parents must return to work to improve our economy?).

Could that temporary inflation thing not be fixed by one or more of those promised social programs?

And now, SCOTUS has slammed the door on a vaccine mandate we told everyone was unconstitutional because no President has the power to implement it.

As I recall, everyone was warned about what the Leftist extremists would do if they won the 2020 election. They shut down the Keystone oil pipeline, banned oil drilling, and in weeks, oil prices started up and are still going up. Along with that, prices for everything went up as well, inflation too.

Didn’t raiding our national emergency oil reserves fix it all instead of creating the lowest reserves in decades? Well, don’t feel bad as that was never intended to fix the problems that were created – it was only a band-aid on Mr. Biden’s sinking approval ratings (but that has failed too). WE were, for those few years with President Trump, energy independent but we warned everyone about Biden didn’t we. Yeah, we did.

Add to all that, we have the open border where a couple million illegals, sex trafficking, drug smuggling, convicted violent felons, unmasked, unvaccinated zero medical or ID’s in hand are transported all around the country free of charge with promises of U.S. Dollars to spend as they see fit.

What could go wrong?

Well,  we conservatives warned that murder rates, violent crime rates, drug deaths along with all manner of diseases have risen with no end in sight.

Oh, by the way Russia is making moves on the Ukraine, China on Taiwan, and North Korea is launching it’s newest long-range missiles out toward Japan. Again, lest we forget, some hundreds of American citizens are still trapped in Afghanistan while the Taliban hunts down hundreds of Afghan interpreters. Our nation promised to take them with us when we left but never did.

We also left a treasure of military equipment behind.

Disaster has followed disaster like a long midnight freight train’s cars rumbling one after another pulled by the engine of Socialism which promised a paradise of Social Justice for all we poor peasants too dumb to know what’s good for us.

Mr. Biden’s approval ratings continue “slip slidin’ away” now down to 33 percent. I’m just wondering who those 33 percent are that just refuse to face what can’t they see? Biden has failed in every possible way what more could we conservatives say or do? No, it really, seems to me those warnings about Socialism never working anywhere were pretty much shouted from the rooftops by we conservatives for the last few years.

There just can not be that many willfully blind among us. If we want an end to these disasters, we must vote out those sitting Democratic elected officials who rubber stamp them and say nothing and do nothing except go along to get along.  Only then can we begin to fix and heal our nation. It begins with people accepting the reality that this Socialist cure is wore then any disease.




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