I recently got the following from a NH Republican House Legislator (who asked for anonymity) lamenting our “political elite” on both sides of the aisle. You know, like NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” However, this is about the Republicans.
First – the Free Marketplace solution – single, targeted, and involves self-responsibility:
A few weeks ago, when I had a bad head cold, my PCP (insisted that I trek around and find a home COVID test kit, even though I believe I had contracted a mild case in January and high levels of antibodies are now reflected in my blood work. So, I did and found a test kit by Abbott, with 2 test packets in the box, at Walgreens for about $24. As expected, I tested negative.
And then the “political” solution – all about the Collective, shotgun approach, and Government provides for everyone:
In the mail today was a package from the Speaker of the NH House enclosing an identical box of Abbott COVID tests. Assuming that this was sent to all 400 reps, that works out the be about $9,600 of taxpayer money + postage of $5.10 per package totaling an additional $2,040. Total taxpayer costs of about $11,640.
This brings to mind the old adage that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. As if we are children or imbeciles who cannot fend for ourselves.
Give me a break!
PS- And as one of my compatriots in the House from Belknap pointed out, they do this sort of thing because it is with “free money!”
So what are we to do when Republicans act like the Democrats? It’s clear that the Socialists in the Democrat Party BELIEVE in Hobbesian philosophy that Government MUST be in charge of every little detail of our lives because we are incapable of caring for ourselves. Just look at what the Obama/Biden Administrations did – everything for everyone!
No, it’s not heartless, it’s not uncaring, and it’s not selfish to expect adults to, well, you know, act like adults and be responsible for their own lives. This Legislator is right – it is incorrect that demand that others take care of you.
And it doesn’t help that a Republican, Speaker Sherm Packard, decided to view the NH House members and make them a “protected class” above those of us that have to pay the bill.
Enough with the protected class – making a mockery of E Pluribus Unum (“Out of Many, One”). We are rapidly becoming its opposite: “Ex Uno, Pluria” (Out of One, Many).
How’d that work out for the Balkans? And yet, that’s what we seem to be hell-bent on doing.