Time is Running Out

Is There still Time to Rekindle America’s Spirit of Pride?

Americans haven’t always seen eye-to-eye on all issues. From the beginning, long before there were Democrats and Republicans, there were opposing political parties offering contrasting solutions to the problems facing our country.

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Shutdown Intelligence Agencies

The NSA Has Violated Our Rights … It’s Official

After exposure by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, it took seven years. But last week a federal appeals court ruling came down. It says the Obama-Era NSA’s bulk collection of phone metadata was both illegal and unnecessary.

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Govt job Rights My job health

DISQUS Doodlings – Yes, Taxes Can Be Totalitarian

To me, taxes should be levied but only at levels necessary for as limited a government that we can get away with, and no more government than that. Just enough to keep an ordered society.

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To the Honorable General Court Of The State of New Hampshire A Memorial and Remonstrance

Honorable and respected ladies and gentlemen. When a people, led to freedom by the hand of patriotic virtue, entrust the Supreme power of Government in the hands of individuals selected and chosen from among the citizens at large,

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Showerheads - Getty Images

DISQUS Doodlings – Toilet Tyrannies, Socialist Shower Heads, and what else did I forget?

Sometimes I get a little pat on the back from one of the “managerial Elite” over at Treehugger. I’m generally the guy that is orthogonal to most of the folks there. Like Bruce Currie is here but with one big exception – I don’t disparage the information that is brought up and I don’t call them names.

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DISQUS Doodlings – “Water is a Human Right?”

Just so many topics covered here in the TreeHugger post “Good News for the Rich: Their Fancy Showers Can Waste More Water“. Just another reminder that the “world’s largest site for sustainability issues” is rapidly dropping the “sustainability” mask and replacing it with the Eco-Socialist (heavy emphasis on the Socialist bit) mask.

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AR-15 Woman gun store

If Vote-by-Mail is a Constitutional Right “Can we get guns via mail order again?”

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “My friend Jay asks a pertinent question. Since we have to have total mail-in voting because of the ‘Rona, what other civil rights should be permitted via mail? Can we get guns via mail order again?

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If you’re that scared, just stay home; your fears don’t trump others’ Freedom

Every year, around 250,000 bikers ride into the Laconia / Lakes Region here in NH to blow off steam and have a good time (noted: as the years go by and the grey has set in, the amount and heat of steam have dissipated) around their common interest of bikes.

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A Colorblind Poem for a Colorblind Post

This makes for a good UPDATE to my “Quick Thought – Being Colorblind, I See You JUST Fine.” That was in answer to the idea that “If you’re color blind, that means you don’t even see me.”

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America's Future 2020

Still the Land of the Free? Maybe Not.

Before coronavirus and widespread rioting filled the headlines, there was the controversy over undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities.  Advocates of open borders were using the Statue of Liberty and the words inscribed in her base to defend their argument.

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Davey Crockett

Microsoft CEO Nadella doesn’t care about “fundamental Rights” – he’s looking to his bottom line.

Just like we saw his company’s founder (Bill Gates) with Common Core and ALL that resulting data to run through his servers and monetize it. Ditto here (reformatted, emphasis mine): New York (CNN Business) Among the many types of inequality in the United States laid bare by the coronavirus pandemic is the digital divide between … Read more

The Cardinal Choice

There are two ways of looking at the relationship between the rights of individuals, and the powers of government.  The first, which based on the ideas of the Declaration of Independence, is that people have the right to do pretty much anything, except when they delegate specific powers to government for the purpose of protecting those rights:

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Consent of the Governed

Andrew Cline: The Lockdown and the Government’s Fragile Power

In the “Merv Griffin Show” episode of Seinfeld, George hits some pigeons with his car after they didn’t fly away at the last second. “It’s not my fault,” George complains to Jerry. “Don’t we have a deal with the pigeons?”

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Constitutional convention: yea or nay?

I need this T-Shirt for the next time I’m in a store

…and yet another Karen looks at me cross-eyed:

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Govt job Rights My job health

Quick Thought: IF NH Governor Sununu is a Constitutionalist, why Doesn’t He Talk Like One?

Background: NH Gov. Chris Sununu: “Public Health Trumps Everything“. As many of us have noted: Constitution, even? Something has been bothering me since his 3pm Presser last Friday at which time he announced his “Stay at Home 2.0”.  At one point during the Presser, he was asked a question about Out of Staters coming into … Read more

Dr Robert Burnett

Don’t behave as I demand: Doc threatens Idaho Rep and his family

Wow, just wow. Just like here in NH, Idaho has skewed rates of infection: urban vs rural. So, there are folks wanting those more rural areas to be freed up as they aren’t under the gun like Boise. However Dr. Robert Burnett feels that for this advocacy, they should be denied medical assistance. Not only … Read more


Quick (and late) Thought: Trump was wrong in this

Trump On Ordering States To Reopen For Business: The Authority Of The President Of The United States Is “Total” REPORTER: In regard to some of your tweets earlier today, what provision in the Constitution gives the president the power to open or close state economies? TRUMP: "Numerous — numerous provisions. We can give you a … Read more

Kristi Noem

Too bad, Gov Sununu, you missed having your own by THIS MUCH….

I wrote about S. Dakota Governor Kristi Noem a bit ago and today I got to read this: South Dakota Governor Refused To Implement Stay-At-Home Orders. Her Citizens Throw Her A Parade. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who has decided to buck the trends around the country and refuse to implement stay-at-home orders in her … Read more

edited constitution

It must be comforting, being Governors who can ignore the US Constitution

It bears repeating: The Constitution was meant to restrict GOVERNMENT and not Individuals. Progressives, however, have inverted that:

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117,000 jobs destroyed in NH

“If I begin sacrificing my rights in order to save lives, then where does it end?”

The title is a quote from Brandon Morse at Red State. He is walking us through an incident where the Police in Raleigh, North Carolina broke up a lockdown protest. The point, of course, being that the first amendment protects that right and it was just infringed.

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