dear trans community

Welcome to the Chaos of CNN writing about Transgender Men, mangling history and grammar, and what this is doing to Society?

by Skip

Libertine: A libertine is a person devoid of most moral principles, a sense of responsibility, or sexual restraints, which they see as unnecessary or undesirable, and is especially someone who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behaviour observed by the larger society.[1][2] Libertinism is described as an extreme form of hedonism.[3] Libertines put value on physical pleasures, meaning those … Read more

Palate Cleanser

Palate Cleanser: So Now We Know What Women Want, How Do They Stand?

by Skip

Aerosmith: “WALK THIS WAAAY!”.   Transgender Woman Rachel Levine: “Stand this way”: (click to embiggen) It would be one thing if Parents, in abusing allowing 2, 3, 4 year old boys to “transition” (yet another made up Woke word – we must challenge the abuse of our common language each and every time) because those boys … Read more

Straight and LGB - men and men and women are women FI

So the LGB Are Starting to Divorce the T bit??

by Skip

Sidenote: You have to note the use of “straight” instead of that made up word “cisheteronormative”.  I am so over the Wokesters constantly trying to force us to use their Orwellian language and make us believe its the “norm” when it comes to “sexual identity” that is to be the most important attribute of being … Read more

Order Chaos brett-jordan-M3cxjDNiLlQ-unsplash

This Is beyond Annoying: “People Now Have Pronouns That Change Depending on the Pronouns of the Person They Are Talking To at the Moment and If You Fail to Remember Them It’s off to the Gulags”

by Skip

Steve, as Editor, is going to hate me for the title but I wanted the effect from the original (NotTheBee) post. It’s not bad enough that a tiny sliver of the overall population has decided that they can demand that we can only use certain coerced speech in and out of their presence and that … Read more

The intellectual orthagonal “plane” – the Constrained (Conservative) vs Unconstrained (Progressive/Socialist) Outlooks. Never the Twain Shall Meet

by Skip

The conflicting visions he describes in the book are the constrained or tragic view of human nature and the unconstrained or utopian view. People with a more constrained view of the human condition see mankind as hopelessly flawed. They see inherent limits to human betterment. We might want to end war or poverty or racism, … Read more

Segregation Back of the Bus FI

Blogline of The Day – so “included” is now “segregated”?

by Skip

Students demand segregated ‘Black House’ so they can ‘feel included.’ …The identity of all but two students who helped compose the letter was intentionally withheld “to protect the anonymity of Black students who may not feel comfortable with their name attached to a stated demand.” The letter states the list of demands “has been in … Read more

Common language

Quick Thought – Change the language, change the thought pattern.

by Skip

The Left has been doing this for a long time: Transsexual has become trans male or trans woman Gay no longer means “happy! happy!” Transsexual has transmogrified into trans male or trans woman Abortion bad, “Pro-choice” / “Reproductive Justice” / “Body autonomy” is the new hotness Libertarian has become “selfish!” Conservative has become “evil” / … Read more

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