Palate Cleanser: So Now We Know What Women Want, How Do They Stand?

by Skip

Aerosmith: “WALK THIS WAAAY!”.   Transgender Woman Rachel Levine: “Stand this way”:

Men vs Women Standing Powerline

(click to embiggen)

It would be one thing if Parents, in abusing allowing 2, 3, 4 year old boys to “transition” (yet another made up Woke word – we must challenge the abuse of our common language each and every time) because those boys might start to pick up how girls actually act.  However, in the broad vein of the old saw of “you can take the boy out of the Bible Belt but you can’t take the Bible Belt out of the boy”, neither can you remove (completely) certain characteristics/attributes of men that have grown up as men especially if they are not even conscious actions.

Like when Zoey Tur, transgender woman, decided to threaten Ben Shapiro: “‘Cut That Out Now Or You’ll Go Home in an Ambulance’” (reformatted, emphasis mine)

Tur said, “We both know that chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female, with gender, of course. But even so, you have a thing like Klinefelter’s syndrome.”

Turning to Ben Shapiro, Tur put his left arm on Shapiro’s back and said, “So, you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics –.”. Shapiro said, “Are we going to discuss genetics now?  What are your genetics, sir?”. Dr. Drew then interjected, “Zoey, I’d stay away from the genetics and back to the brain scans.”

At that point, Tur put his left around partly around Shapiro’s neck (see video) and said, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

Facing Tur, Shapiro said, “That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.”

Several other panelists then jumped into the conversation and entertainment journalist Segun Oduolowu said that Shapiro was being rude. Shapiro responded, “I’m sorry, it’s not rude to say that someone who’s biologically a male is a male. Someone who’s biologically a male is a male.”

Tur twice commented that Shapiro had called him “sir.” Then another panelist, Mike Catherwood, accused Shapiro of being “aggressively insulting.”

That’s only if one considers it to be insulting.

Shapiro – a conservative who was literally outnumbered 6-to-1 by liberals on the program – then said, “The entire discussion is whether we are embracing mental illness and delusion as a society.  That’s the entirety of the discussion.”

Not exactly a lady-like response:

And the answer is no. I’m tired of the Left, or anyone else for that matter, trying to tell me that something/someone isn’t what they are. And I no longer will stand for our common language being perverted for ideological purposes. But then, again, Shapiro has an answer to the debating style.




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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