
by Steve MacDonald
samir shabazz
samir shabazz

If we were to do a documentary on the New Hampshire Democrat Party we could call it Shabazz!


It’s a story about a bunch of mostly pasty white liberal crackers in a left wing political party and their fun dysfunctional family-like foibles as they endlessly play the race, hate, and bigot cards for political gain while calling any objection to their polices a smear campaign. But one day, while funneling out of state gay-activist money through in-state PACs (and into their own greedy little hands) they are confronted with actual hate and racism from someone associated with their own party named Shabazz. They institute an immediate media blackout, making sure there is no commentary to be found anywhere from any of them on a matter of actual hate and racism.


In Episode two we have a flashback; listen as Mo Baxley says, “..his silence comes as no surprise.” Mo is referring to someone else, claiming their failure to object to some isolated comments makes them just as guilty for failing to speak out against them. But the irony is not lost on the viewer. Mo Baxley’s silence and that of the liberals around her hangs like an indictment. How often have they accused others but are now incapable of accusing one of their own.  Do any of them even care about racism or bigotry outside the potential for political gain?  Are they really that hypocritical?


In episode three Ray Buckley and the Democrat party not only support and defend the right to kill white cracker babies, they are just as happy if you kill black ones, yellow ones, red ones or any other color…because it’s in the constitution. You have a right to privacy. It may be one of the few instances where race is not actually an issue for them even though their policy has probably killed more black babies than all other colors combined.


In episode four Democrat Sarah Chaisson Warner mistakes white supremacists for tea-partiers, not because she can’t tell the difference, but because her ideology won’t let her see the difference.


And what of Carol Shea-Porter?  She’s a beloved left winger?  She’s even got her own “week” at Boo Hoo Hampshire.  Has she anything at all to say? In episode five, Carol says nothing except ‘Tea bagger’ for an entire hour. Paul Hodes stops in for a cameo but says nothing about Carol or Shabazz. The media is portrayed conveniently nearby but fails to ask any of them for a comment as the candidates stare expressionless at the camera. Halfway through the episode, Hodes has to leave for a fundraiser in Canada.


In the final episode silence by Democrats to a very real and obvious hate filled racist rant exposes the New Hampshire Democrat party, their old and new media allies, and its fellow travelers as race pimps and hypocrites. As the lights go down, Kathy Sullivan is furiously writing yet another complaint to the New Hampshire AG hoping to prevent anyone from making any more “documentaries” about the race pimps, bigotry-peddlers, and hypocrites in her party. Behind her Maggie Hassan can be seen crafting another speech stifling piece of legislation that permits political money from Canada and Unions but no one else. The lights fade to the cackle of evil laughter.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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