Nashua City Hall

Nashua: Local Elections ARE Partisan!

I have become increasingly concerned about the negative impact of partisan politics on our local government. While this city is chartered as a non-partisan city, public discussion and communication with some in City Hall has become all too partisan.

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Hooray House Votes Pay Raises for Federal Employees Disciplined for Sexual Misconduct … Wait What?

Wednesday the House Democratic majority voted to give pay raises to federal employees disciplined for sexual misconduct. They blocked a measure to prevent any federal employee disciplined for sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct from getting a salary increase. #MeToo don’t worry the Dem’s are supporting you… but with friends like that who needs enemies? … Read more

Notorious RBG Not Happy With Kavanaugh Confirmation Histrionics

Image Credit NRO

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, speaking at George Washington University Law School, expressed a lack of appreciation for the partisan show that consumes the Supreme Court Justice Confirmation process

“The atmosphere in ’93 was truly bipartisan. The vote on my confirmation was 96 to 3, even though I had spent about 10 years of my life litigating cases under the auspices of the ACLU and I was on the ACLU board,” she continued.

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