Hey, NH Democrats! Do You Condone What Your NY Brethren’s Gerrymandering?

by Skip

How come NH Democrats are not calling them out this sort of thing like they do Republicans? You know, the gerrymandering. All I keep hearing is that a political operation is supposed to be non-political.

Have you not learned, yet, that once you are dealing either with or in Government, it is inherently defined as being political?  After all, it is POLITICIANS that are making the decisions.

Yet, you can’t even be intellectually honest, can you? And do you know whose Congressional District #10 represents?  Oh, to be sure, it IS a Democrat’s!



Does this mean, shhhhh, you’re partisan?

And if you’re wondering, the first map is of “Fat Jerry Nadler’s Congressional District.  Because NY lost a Congressional seat, the Dems QUICKLY reformed the map so that he’d keep his district.

They also “redistricted” Republicans right out of theirs – and helped themselves in Congress in trying to keep the Democrat majority.

So, tell us ALL that you want non-partisan re-districting…

…and we’ll all get to call you LIARS.

And as for YOU NH Republicans, go for it.  Return the favor that Democrats did to your NY brethren.  After all, isn’t that the fair thing to do (along with a dash of M.A.D. – Mutually Assured Destruction)?



(H/T: Instapundit)

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