Live Free or Die Tee

Who’s Left? Nobody

I’m growing tired of Democrats heaping their opprobrium on the Granite State when it comes to the whole early primary bagatelle of a fraud of a hoax of a sham.

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Team Trump’s Pappas Protest & ‘Fake News’

On Friday night, outside a fundraiser at the Puritan Backroom for Congressman Chris Pappas, dozens of Trump supporters lined up to protest. Yes, dozens, plural. Josie Albertson-Grove, reporting for the Union Leader, described the group as “about a dozen.” “We had between 40 and 50 people depending on the time,” said Lou Gargiulo, Co-Chair Trump … Read more

NH Democrats and Women’s Foundation Once Again Lie about Equal Pay

Today, just like every year, Democrats and left-wing organizations like to make women believe they are somehow ‘victims of the patriarchy’ because they aren’t paid equally. These Democrats and organizations continue to use bogus statistics and studies to promote their lies. Every year they are reminded that they are lying and demeaning women by claiming … Read more

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