Poll DreamsTime political-poll-word-badge-blue-background-44759312

The Granite State Poll: Senate & CD1 Too Close to Call in NH

If you want to turn into a polling and data wonk the day before the Election, try this (emphasis mine):

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Live Free or Die Tee

Who’s Left? Nobody

I’m growing tired of Democrats heaping their opprobrium on the Granite State when it comes to the whole early primary bagatelle of a fraud of a hoax of a sham.

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Democrat Donkey logo

What Democrat Maggie Hassan, Annie Kuster, and Chris Pappas’ Actions Say to Us

The General Election is coming up quick and flush with cash, Democrats Hassan (Senate), Kuster (Congress), and Pappas (Congress) are trying to soften their images as extremists in lockstep with Democrat legislation and policies into more rounded and just-the-kindly-grandmothers-next-door.

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fire alarm box

My Letter to Pappas and His Reply: Did Pfizer Submit False And/or Corrupt Trial Data?

The following is a significant expansion of a letter I sent to Congressman Chris Pappas and his office has already replied, and I will discuss his reply at the end.  I also wrote to Senators Hassan and Shaheen with no reply as yet.

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Keep My Banking Private

NH Delegation LIES About Concerns over Biden’s Bank Profiling Scam

Today, WMUR reported on a New Hampshire bank that is warning customers about Biden’s bank profiling law that is found in his ‘Build, Back, Better’ legislation.

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The Missouri Bank warns Customers

Missouri Bank WARNS Customers About Biden’s “Bank Account Profiling” Law

A bank in Missouri took to Facebook recently to warn its customers about a law that is part of Biden’s “American Families Plan.”  The law is regarding banking and how it affects every single person in the United States:

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Highly Partisan $3 Trillion Pelosi PorkulusPorkulus

Chris Pappas Supports the Highly Partisan $3 Trillion Pelosi Porkulus Bill

Chris Pappas voted against giving cash to illegal aliens. That was just before he voted in favor of giving taxpayer money to illegal aliens.

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Reform the Postal Service.

Progressive Taxes By Nancy

Speaker Pelosi says she would like to see another coronavirus stimulus bill. Drum roll please… she wants to include provisions handing millions of dollars to the super-wealthy. Are you enthused yet?

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Let FISA Rest In Peace

The FISA courts were made to track down bad guys in the wake of 9/11. They were then and they are now, good intentions run amuck. How have they been used in the last few years? As expected, not all that well.

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What do taxpayer-funded abortions have to do with the coronavirus relief bill?

Why Was the Issue of Taxpayer-Funded Abortions Included in the Coronavirus Relief Bill?

The Daily Caller is reporting that senior White House officials say Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to include a surprise in the coronavirus relief bill. It would guarantee federal funding for abortion services.

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Shaheen’s 12 Years Equals $22.5 Trillion in Debt

The Real Problem with Debt Has a Practical Solution

Last night a candidate for statewide office made a presentation. The candidate said deficit and debt should be a tertiary priority. This strikes me as myopic. Truth be told it made me a little angry.

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Pappas Kuster Hassan Shaheen2

Shaheen and Hassan’s Vote Supported Kuster and Pappas’ Abuse of Power

New Hampshire’s Democrat congressional delegation is worse than an embarrassment. They are an ignorant embarrassment. Ann Kuster and Chris Pappas voted for the Articles of Impeachment. Hassan and Shaheen concurred with their Guilty votes. They are all guilty of abuse of power.

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2020 is an election year

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

In his State of the Union message, Trump answered the question: What have you done for me lately? Sometimes in our lives, we need to assess what is going on around us. Coming out of impeachment and acquittal of the president it seems a good time to stop and take stock.

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Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Immigrants

Your Representatives, Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas voted in favor of granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. The bill gives amnesty without doing anything to reform our broken immigration system.

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Democrats Vote Unanimously to Undermine Title IX Protections for Girls Born Without a Penis

House Democrats voted unanimously to allow boys (and men) to compete in girls and women’s sports. And they are so committed that they voted down a last-minute Republican attempt to save girls Title IX protected rights.

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NH Democrats and Women’s Foundation Once Again Lie about Equal Pay

Today, just like every year, Democrats and left-wing organizations like to make women believe they are somehow ‘victims of the patriarchy’ because they aren’t paid equally. These Democrats and organizations continue to use bogus statistics and studies to promote their lies. Every year they are reminded that they are lying and demeaning women by claiming … Read more

Polling choices poll

Emerson Polling Shows Congressional Races Tightening, Sununu Still Has Comfortable Lead

Emerson College Polling has Gov. Sununu sitting on a comfortable, maybe not too comfortable 8 point lead with 5 percent still undecided. The New Hampshire State economy is in excellent shape so that will probably keep Chris more comfortable than not. In NH CD-1 Eddie Edwards is just 2 point behind Chris Pappas with 5% … Read more

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