Let FISA Rest In Peace

The FISA courts were made to track down bad guys in the wake of 9/11. They were then and they are now, good intentions run amuck. How have they been used in the last few years? As expected, not all that well.

Related: All FISA Bills Are Bad

Bad process, bad actors

Democrats with the help of the fourth branch of government abused the FISA system. They used it to get warrants to spy on the Trump presidential campaign. Also, they infringed on the privacy of American citizens. They clearly attempted to interfere with the 2016 Election. Success was very nearly theirs.

The House is pushing a bill to extend the FISA court system. Some senators are calling on Trump to act. Trump should not need to act. The FISA system is a known threat. It should not be reauthorized. We do not want the federal government spying on us. They can and they did spy on a presidential campaign.  So you know they won’t even hesitate to spy on you too.

Which makes the right question? Chris Pappas, Annie Kuster, which side are you on? Are you voting to have the federal government spy on us? Are you voting to Block reauthorization of FISA? What are you going to do? Since the Democrat Party is pushing the issue you have to know Pappas and Kuster are party-line votes.

Who protects the American people?

They simply do not care about New Hampshire. The team  does not care about your privacy or freedom.
President Trump tweeted many Republican senators want him to veto the FISA bill. They would first rather find out how the DOJ used the court to spy on his campaign. Pappas and Kuster should also want everyone party to abuse of FISA held accountable for what happened. They should be removed from government service.

The American people need to find out what led to, and happened with, the illegal attempted “coup” of the duly elected President of the United States, and the abuse of so many others. Trump called out the effort to monitor his campaign staff a “coup.” He is no doubt citing the infamous text from FBI agent Strzok, who called the investigation an “insurance plan.”

Americans should understand the FBI and DOJ under Obama abused the power of the FISA courts.  They tried to spy on Trump’s campaign. They undertook the effort to derail his chances of winning. But it did not stop there. Even after his election, we know the FBI was monitoring the transition and early days of the administration.

Do not preserve a bad system operated by people who intend you harm

The Democrats spread the narrative Trump works with Russia. The claim was disproven by Mueller through his investigation. But many questions remain about the FISA courts. Why should we keep this system in place, if it can be made a subject of abuse so easily? How was it possible to so abuse the system with no one blowing the whistle? How did the FBI sway the court to issue them a warrant without proper support?

We know that on FBI lawyer doctored documents without losing his job over it. We know the same people today operate the system. If the people cannot be found to operate the system safely: Why would we want FISA to operate at all? The system needs to change to prevent abuse. People need to change because they were unable to safeguard our freedom and privacy. They simply are not up to the job.

Why were the courts unable to identify these deficiencies by themselves? Trump should not need to veto a FISA bill. There should not be a FISA bill. Change the system, change the people, maybe there’s something to talk about. But for today just Kill the Bill. The time has come to let FISA rest in peace.

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