Emerson Polling Shows Congressional Races Tightening, Sununu Still Has Comfortable Lead

Emerson College Polling has Gov. Sununu sitting on a comfortable, maybe not too comfortable 8 point lead with 5 percent still undecided. The New Hampshire State economy is in excellent shape so that will probably keep Chris more comfortable than not.

In NH CD-1 Eddie Edwards is just 2 point behind Chris Pappas with 5% undecided, making it a statistical tie.

In NH CD-2 Incumbent Ann Kuster is at 52% with Republican challenger Steve Negron inching up to 40%. That’s another three-point improvement since a few days ago, with 7% undecided.

With the election just a few days away its time to turbo-charge the GOTV. There are a lot of voters who supported Trump for whom pollsters never accounted. People who kept quiet to avoid being punished for their views.

If these folks turn out as they did in 2016, these gaps are going to shrink quickly.

But will it be enough?

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