drugs graffiti fentanyl

Fentanyl, That Devil …

Maybe I’m just being picky, but I have a problem with this Union leader headline. “Direct delivery of Naloxone key to reducing opioid deaths.” It’s key? The key to stopping opioid deaths is trying to prevent death after an overdose.

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homelessness in manchester nh

Mayor Craig: Heartless and Hypocritical

Mayor Craig clearly showed the homeless of Manchester that she is Heartless and a Hypocrite. Her actions over the weekend in regards to the homeless camp on Canal Street were both stunning and contradictory to her comments about other homeless encampments in Manchester.

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The War on Ants

You find ants in your kitchen, or in your bathroom.  What do you do? There are some obvious things to try: Interdiction:  You try to find out how they’re getting in, and block those entrances. Preemption:   You make food harder to find by keeping everything in airtight containers, cleaning up all spills immediately, and so … Read more

Psych Diving

In the documentary Free Solo  (now in theaters), you can watch Alex Honnold climb El Capitan without a rope — something that doesn’t seem possible even after you’ve just watched him do it.

Much of the film is about the reactions of the other people in his life, including his friends, who are making the film. During some parts of the ascent, they leave their cameras running, but have to look away because they’re afraid for Alex.

They’re afraid for good reason.  As one of Alex’s climbing partners puts it:  ‘Everybody who has made free soloing a big part of their life is dead.’

But his mother puts her own fears into perspective this way:  ‘I think when he’s free soloing that’s when he feels the most alive, the most… everything.  How can you even think about taking that away from somebody?’ 

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Dem Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Marchand Wants to Make NH A Sanctuary State

Steve MarchandDemocrat Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Marchand has read the fair-trade responsibly sourced liberal tea leaves. Advocating Far-Left ideas wins Democrat primaries. To that end, he’s decided to share his plan for making New Hampshire into a sanctuary state.

Keep in mind that it is the Sanctuary Status of Lawrence, Massachusetts that makes it the epicenter of opioid and human trafficking into New Hampshire.

Tone-deaf, much?

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Observations from President Trump’s Most Recent Visit to New Hampshire

President Trump
Image credit, NH House rep. Josh Moore

By Josh Moore

Back on March 18th, President Donald Trump made his first appearance in New Hampshire since the night before the 2016 election. The President was accompanied by his wife, Melania and Attorney General, Jeff Sessions and Thousands of voters packed the SNHU arena in Manchester.

President Trump spoke before this large crowd of supporters on how he plans to solve the opioid crisis with which New Hampshire has been known to struggle. But the President’s focus was not just on New Hampshire, as he laid out a plan he proposed for the entire nation.

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