Voting – 11/6/2012 Results compendium

by Skip

Fox News calls it: President Obama has been re-elected

Romney does not have a mathematical road to victory

My unexpected guests have left, the ‘Grok dogs have had some attention paid to them, hopefully the laptop problems have gone to sleep.  Long nite ahead, so time to see what polls are doing.  Pretty much will just update this post with observations, pithy words, and anything else considered “election kitchen sink”.


NH Exec Council – 3 to 2 R to D thus far

Fox announces US House to remain in Republican hands

NH Kuster is leading almost 2-1 over Bass

NH Constitution: Banning income tax is leading

NH Constitution: Legislation to have oversight over Judiciary losing

No Constitutional Convention is winning


WMUR, Associated Press has just called the race for Maggie Hassan

NH Ovide Hassan Babiarz
WMUR 08:22 PM 575 1,862 85


Interesting way to think about it:

One of the claims was that he had a “first-class temperament.” And I was thinking, yesterday, “That’s possibly the thing I like least about Obama — his temperament.” His big-government policies are bad enough. But the temperament? “Mitt Romney: Not one of us,” and all that? I think he’s a nasty and divisive figure.

Mitt Romney — there’s a first-class temperament, come of think of it. At least I have that impression. If he has four years in the White House, we’ll see.

I believe that Obama hates the likes of us — Reagan conservatives. I believed the same about Al Gore. I remember saying during the 2000 campaign, “I’d rather be stranded on a desert island with Bill Clinton for a year than have a brief, delicious lunch at the Four Seasons with Al Gore.” You could tell that Al Gore hated you: It was on his face and in his tongue. Joe Lieberman, I felt, did not hate you. Hillary did. Kerry did. John Edwards loved himself, mainly, I thought.


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Democrat Lee Nyquist’s Campaign Manager Kevin ‘Awesome-Cool’ Hodges Identified as Maggie Hassan’s ‘Bat-Boy.’

Lee Nyquist- Says he's for Civility but his Campaign manger wants to beat Republicans With a batGoffstown, New Hampshire Democrat Kevin Hodges, former House Rep from (D-Awesome Cool), has been identified as the Democrat in this video who wants to “Beat  Republicans with a bat.”  This isn’t all that surprising.  Hodges has a history of disrespecting Republican opponents

“You should vote for me because I’m awesome and cool. The House is filled with stingy old people who are stupid. I’m younger and smarter, and that’s a fact.”

Hodges fed the “Beat Republicans with a bat” line to Democrat goober-natorial candidate Maggie ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan, who responded, “That’s a good answer.”

When Hodges isn’t playing Bat-boy, he is also the campaign manager for New Hampshire Democrat Lee Nyquist, who is running as the Democrat State Parties best choice to represent the people of  New Hampshire State Senate District #9.

Here’s a question.  Was NH Democrat Lee Nyquist in the room?  Was he smiling and laughing?  Not sure.  But regardless of that what does he think about his campaign manager’s announcement that they can “beat Republicans with a bat?”  I only ask because the boldface lead to the first item on Lee Nyquist’s ‘Issues’ page reads like this.

“Restoring Civility, Collaboration and Common Sense to Concord


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NH Governor race – let’s start talking about it

by Skip

This November, voters in NH are going to have a stark choice for Governor: On the Left, it will be one of two extremely hard Left, Progressive, “Government-centered society” candidates: Jackie Cilley or Maggie Hassan – both who are trying to “out-Progressive” each other On the Right, it will be either Ovide Lamontagne or Kevin Smith.  … Read more

GraniteGrok Endorsement: Ovide Lamontagne for NH Governor

by Skip

Ovide Lamontagne For NH Governor 2012We have known Ovide Lamontagne for a number of years now, and the longer we have known him, the surer we are of his Conservative Principles and his stances on current events based on those Principles.  We have seen him refuse to take more politically expedient paths, ways the could yield better political outcomes for him personally, simply because it meant that he would have to cut corners instead of following those foundational guiding philosophies.  Many times, you might hear that a politician is a man of his politics.  That’s not Ovide; instead, you get a politician of steadfast convictions.  Enough so that we endorsed him for US Senate this last cycle.  Every stance is a Conservative one – we like an appreciate it. You know us – and we know Ovide Lamontagne.

Have no doubt, the Democrats will be putting up an extremist Progressive – and our bet is that Ovide will present the best alternative to those that will try (and make no mistake – they are campaigning on it right now) to recreate the Big Government go-round of 2006 / 2008?

Is this still the Live Free or Die State?  If you agree that it is, but that it hangs in the balance, consider this: It needs a Live Free or Die Governor!  One that not only can say the words but means, that lives, the philosophy behind it. That person, that Governor, is Ovide Lamontagne, the Happy Warrior!

We ask that when it comes to vote in the NH Republican primary in the Fall, please vote for Ovide.  And then again in November.


When NH State Senator Jeanne Forrester had house event back February, Ovide Lamontagne was gracious in granting us an exclusive interview after having already spent  a couple of hours giving a talk to those present and then answered questions from them.  Both parts of that interview:

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Cilley Jackie Enters The Governor’s Race

“The problem with political jokes is they get elected.”—Henry Cate

MANCHESTER — Former District 6 Democrat state Senator Jackie Cilley has thrown her hat into the gubernatorial ring for the Granite State’s Corner Office. Joining Maggie “the Marxist” Hassan, she seeks to replace Governor John “Lefty” Lynch who will not seek another term. “Silly” Jackie came to the Manchester YWCA to make her pitch yesterday rolling out the same old tired liberal screed often heard before.   The Union Leader’s Beth LaMontagne-Hall reports, Cilley pledged to, “ensure quality education for all students, protect the environment, fight right-to-work legislation and keep same-sex marriage on the books in New Hampshire.

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GrokTV Event: Reception for Ovide Lamontagne (candidate for Republican nomination for NH Gov) – the video

by Skip

Last night, GraniteGrok went to the reception for Ovide Lamontagne.  It is our understanding that about 80 odd folks had RSVP’d but by my count, over 160 were in the room as the evening’s proceedings played out.  The downside to trying to live stream the event was that Windows 7 just would not attach to the WiFi at the hotel (as usual with all things Microsoft, reboots fixes most all ills).  The upside is DaTechGuy showed up with his lovely bride so we were able to have some chit-chat in between everything (and we did a bit of a GrokTALK! commentary which I will post later once I process the audio from the evening.  He also posted up some pictures and interviews here (even got my good side!).

Jeff Chidester served as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening – and given he is a political activist himself, he can always add “commentary quips” that most cannot.  In this clip, NH State Senator Jim Luther gave the invocation, Di Lothrup lead us all in the Pledge, and the Peters children played their violins “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”:

One of the speakers in favor of Ovide’s candidacy was Sandra Ziehm – video after the jump:

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2012 NH Governor Race – Maggie Hassan calls the opposition “extremists”

by Skip

A friend of mine sent me this email missive from Maggie Hassan (candidate for the Democrat nomination for NH Governor):

Dear Friend,

After watching the GOP Primary, I got tense thinking about all of the damage some of these candidates could do to progressive causes and values across the country.

That’s why we need President Obama to stand strong.

At home, progressive values face the most serious threat in years.  We need to stand strong right now as well.  Please support our campaign financially today to make sure we stand strong as Granite Staters.

If Bill O’Brien and his extremist friends control all three branches of our government there is no telling the amount of damage they could do.  Consider, they have already:

  • Overriden the Governor’s veto to allow parents to opt their child out of ANY public school class if they don’t like the material that is being taught for ANY reason
  • Tried to repeal the law that protects our environment and limits the impact of greenhouse gases across all of New England
  • Tried to repeal public employee collective bargaining rights and passed so-called “right to work” legislation.
  • Organized to repeal marriage equality.
  • Tried to repeal kindergarten and compulsory education altogether.
  • Repealed the minimum wage.
  • Cut cigarette taxes.
  • Canceled the state’s contract with Planned Parenthood for birth control.

Extremist?  Really?  Now, as I said here, I’m willing to talk with anyone, including Progressive Democrats – and be nice too!  But really – extremist? Of course I have some thoughts….

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WMUR’s Closeup – Maggie Hassan on 10/30 edition

by Skip

Yet another post that kinda got away from me – I forgot about it (D’oh!) and with everyone writing at full steam, the posts (like emails in my Inbox) keep moving further and further down the list.  Face it, if an email goes three or four “page downs”, it pretty much is gone from sight and gone from memory (even as I say “Skip, DON’T forget this one!”).  Anyways, these are the notes I took as Maggie Hassan talked with Closeup host, Josh McElven, about a number of topics:

  • Voter ID is a very extreme bill and harm the citizens of NH

Extreme? Very Extreme?   I keep hearing that from the Democrats and about the only thing I can think of that is “extreme” is that Democrats think it an extreme idea that Republicans don’t like the idea that Democrats keep getting votes that really should never have been cast by people who should not have been voting at that polling place.  Perhaps, the real extreme idea is that  the Democrats just don’t think enough of Citizenship and don’t think that ensuring that the validity and integrity of a Citizen’s vote is worth protecting.  We seem to be in a time when the value of Citizenship is deliberately being diminished (e.g., the mayor that wants to let people votethat should not be in the country).  This is not about “discrimination” – this is to hold a fundamental right and responsibility of citizenship high and to maintain its integrity.

  • The State Budget that cut the cigarette tax also cut the University and the College budget significantly.  That says to the young people in this state, smoke more and go to college less….and to employers, don’t bother to come because we aren’t going to have an educated workforce.

Ah yes, just like Alan Greyson’s “Republicans just want you to die quickly” when it comes to healthcare. Is this the best that a future Governor (Lord, forgive me!) can say about the opposition?

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