Not zookeeper – that would have meant Gov. Lynch could actually do something other than just being in the Corner.

by Skip

Blue Hampshire is really starting to moan and groan:

We have seen over the past two years that the Governor’s role is often that of zookeeper

The past two years: republican super-majority in the NH House.  Republican super-majority in the NH Senate.  Republican super-majority on the NH Executive Council.  Gov. John “Do Nuthin” Lynch only had the power to go to ribbon cuttings, put the sweater on to visit natural disasters, or measure his office for new curtains and rugs (but unable to buy replacements unless the Exec. Council allowed him to).  Really?  Zookeeper?  The ONLY arrow in his  quiver was a veto – which the Republicans could easily override when they wanted (the problem is that often, the NH Senate didn’t).

Zookeeper assumes that Lynch actually had a key – he didn’t.  I also dryly note that if I want to play along with this meme – it was actually the voters that are the ultimate Zookeepers.  Elwood’s premise is that Lynch was “riding herd” – that the zoo is the NH Senate, House, and Exec Council.  Putting aside the slight that he’s basically calling Republicans animals (where’s that vaunted Democrat value of being civil, eh Elwood?), remember this:

It is the voters that are the actual zookeepers – and they are the ones that threw all the Democrats out back in 2010.  Those were the animals they really didn’t like.

 Yo, Elwood – THAT’S the reason why Lynch couldn’t set any kind of agenda – he could only sit in the Corner.  Remember, the voters ALSO threw out your Gov. torchbearer, that stalwart defender (heh!) of free political speech (er, remember MaggieSpeech?) and free markets (and MaggieCare) out of the NH Senate?

You know, I think we Groksters are gonna enjoy this campaign.  What say you, Elwood?

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