Odds and ends misc clutter

Op-Eds, Fundraising, and Updates

If you submitted an Op-Ed and we didn’t publish it (yet), there’s a good reason. Our stable of contributors (Groksters) has been cranking out a lot of material. Last week, I addressed this (to some degree) by dropping a lot more content than usual, but I’m reluctant to do it again.

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Odds and ends misc clutter

Quick Takes – A Hat Trick + One

1. Shortages.

I was at the grocery store and I overheard three of the senior people – decades of experience – talking about how it’s harder to get items to stock on the shelves.  I mentioned that to some of the stock clerks whom I have gotten to know and they concur: they’re having to get creative to keep shelves visually full.

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Niel Young: “While I am angry still, what I could not understand was why?” Er, let me give you a clue….

by Skip

The short answer is still best summed up by Larry Frates commenting on Niel Young’s behavior: 

"It’s all about you, Neil"

And his assumptions are wrong to boot. The news in my local area is that there is a new talk radio show, The Tom Brown Show. Being that it is a late night / early morning show, I haven’t listened yet but I should give the podcasts a chance.  Yes, I know Tom personally as he has been a Republican activist in the local area; we are friendly and I should give the show a shot.  But that’s not the reason for this post.  Now Tom is now experiencing what Doug and I did when we had the chance for our own show with friend Pat Hynse.

Well, Niel Young, yet again, just can’t stand the fact that yet another person has left his show (Tom was a regular, just as Doug and I were years ago) and is delivering the same kind of coded vitriol he normally reserves for Liberal Democrats.  Simply, Niel is a control freak, it IS about him and his mission, and no one else is allowed to be front and center.  Normally, I would have let this go, but since Niel Young just can’t seem to help himself and decided to take a whack at the past, I figured that I’d give a response.

From his column in the Weirs Time (P14):

For many years I had a regular radio guest.  Being that my in studio roundtable participants usually share the same views – not because it is required.  I had protected THAT regular from any comments and discussion of Pro-Life and Parental Notification issues/legislation.  I value life – oppose abortion on demand – an believe at least one parent should be notified that their teenage daughter has chosen to abort a pregnancy.  Unfortunately there is nothing a parent can do to alter that decision.

OK, Niel sets himself up as the kind, selfless defender, willing to take the arrows that were mostly in his own mind.  And then, as Obama does, knock down the now display of ingratitude.  But then we find the real reason of his ire – he’s selfish (bolding mine):

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Ah – it’s still here! Me too, mostly

by Skip

Apologies to those that have been expecting me to put up posts of the events the ‘Grok went to the last week or so (or, a bit longer).  I had planned on putting up the videos, the audio interviews, and other stuff over the weekend – such a deal. Well, Irene came and went.  My … Read more

Guest post by Tom Tomson: Sharing Some Great Advice

by Skip

Tom Tomson is a conservative activist and the Honorary Chair of Americans for Prosperity / NH

Dear Friends,

Please find below an article I wrote about our Mother and wanted to share it with you. Many of you reached out to me and our family one year ago and I thank you for your support.  Tom Thomson

Sharing Some Great Advice

One year ago on March 8th, 2010 my family lost a loving, caring Mother at age 90 and New Hampshire lost a gracious former First Lady; Gale Thomson.

My Mother, Gale Kelly Thomson, was a mother of six children, 18 Grandchildren and 28 Great Grandchildren. She was like many in New Hampshire, a very independent citizen. She believed it was her responsibility to care for her husband, former Governor Meldrim Thomson in their home, located in Orford, at the Mt. Cube Farm while Dad fought the good fight against Parkinson Disease for many years. After years of loving care Dad lost his battle on April 19th, 2001.

It’s important for me to digress for a moment and tell you that on this same day April 19th, hours earlier the New Hampshire Legislature was voting on a bill to impose a sales tax. Dad had fought against increasing taxes on our citizens for years; at the end of the day, they the lawmakers defeated the sales tax bill and I know Dad knew his work was done and he passed on.

Mother continued to live by herself at the place she loved best, the Mt. Cube Farm, with family close by until the day she left us on March 8th, 2010. This was Dad’s birthday and later my brother Robb reminded me that it also was on this very day that Dad and Mother were engaged 72 years earlier.

Many years ago a good friend shared with me some great advice, as he had recently lost the last of his parents. He said to me, “Be thankful your parents are still with you. Tonight, give them a call or better still stop by and give them a big hug and tell them how much you love them.” This was…

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Elderly Drivers: To Test or Not To Test?

Representative Bob Williams wants to discontinue road testing for Elderly Drivers. Is that a wise idea? House Bill 549 eliminates the requirement for a road test currently in place for Granite State drivers over age seventy five. Prime Sponsor of the bill is 84-year-old Representative Bob Williams, a Concord Democrat. Williams calls the present law, … Read more


by Skip

Well, it’s nice to put closure on things from time to time.  First off,  time to close a chapter on a bit of a tiff: I have received an apology from Pat Hynes concerning this and it has been accepted.  Further, my friend has also accepted a contrite apology from Pat as well.  As our … Read more

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day:

by Skip

Not often do I agree with Blue Hampshire (yes, we do affectionately call them Boo-Hoo Hamsters from time to time), but on this, I will (emphasis mine): The latest Pat Hynes/Shawn Millerick right wing smear machine masquerading as a news site takes a quote out of context and makes stuff up that isn’t in the … Read more

Hasbro Capitalizes on Beer Pong

"Cuponk!  Beer pong without the beer.The Greatest Name in Games" has paved the pathway to future Beer Pong excellence with a series of "games" called Cuponk.  The object of Cuponk, a creation of Hasbro, is to get a ping-pong ball in a cup doing any number of special moves or trick shots using whatever surfaces are available.  The cup makes noise to reward you for your talents and if you actually use the cards provided, and complete the trick called for, you can get points and keep score.

Fortunately for us, you should not put beer in a Cuponk cup.  I suspect the electronics will not like it.  I can’t comment on whether the instructions warn against such amendments to the manufacturers guidelines, they seem to have gotten about as much attention as a 2000 page piece of legislation in the US House.  Or maybe I threw them out with the wrapping paper.

It’s a cup and a ball. How frikkin complex could it be? "Mind it I play through?"  ‘Oh by all means?’

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Operative word for me: “mischievous”

by Skip

This is just SUCH a great line! “I take a mischievous glee in being the greatest thorn in the side of people who desperately need to be humbled.” We don’t have the ability to do "voter initiatives" at the State level here in NH.  However, we do have that ability, at the town level, by … Read more

Flesh Is For Zombies

The Walking Dead, which just ran its initial 6 episode release, could use a few zombies with PETA shirts when season two comes out next fall. “Flesh is for Zombies” PETA shirts on an actual zombie would be funny but not nearly as funny as regular PETA shirts on Zombatized Vegan wackos, bent over to chew on some some poor bastards slimy organs.

Topics from this morning

by Skip

Jeff Chedster was filling in for Charlie Sherman yesterday and today on the early morning show on 610 WGIR-AM here in NH and asked if I’d represent GraniteGrok in a "lightning round" format.  Here are the topics we touched upon and a couple of the links so you can read more for yourself! Patriotic Millionaires … Read more

George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation

by Skip

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to “recommend to the people of the United States … Read more

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